Safe and effective. Right...

I quit my job rather than take it , and I feel very sorry for all the people who were coerced, forced, pressured or deceived into getting it. The casualties are mounting.

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Well at least you aren’t saying you were fired. Facts matter.

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I gave you the facts, DeeDee. I was a physician who quit practicing not only because of the vaccine mandate, but also the intense pressure being put on us by our College to push this on patients, and to not say anything against the govt narrative.

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She needs to be on this Spike Detox Protocol..

Dr McCullough’s Base Spike Detoxification Protocol  

* Nattokinase 2000 FU (100) mg orally twice a day without food

* Bromelain 500 mg orally once a day without food

* Curcumin 500 mg orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)

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Trudeau and his WEF ideological government has just passed bill c-293 yesterday, you will no longer have rights when the WHO, who will now take over your sovereign rights, will have full control on all aspects of pandemics, including when to call a pandemic and what risks you are allowed to take under their rule. I send every Senator across Canada explaining what is wrong with the bill, not one of them replied to me. Just shows how much they care for open dialogue. Stand against this new bill and raise your middle finger up high at them. We will not comply, we will not forgive, we will never forget!

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Wanna know why no senator responded to your conspiracy theory?……

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Thank you for writing the Senators. I wrote some too (30 or so) and did not receive any replies either.

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Gee….. I wonder why. 😂There are Serious challenges to the country and the world and you all Just Don’t Get it.

It just never ends. It’s like the Canadian version of the Maga cult. Poorly educated and easily hoodwinked.

So disappointing….

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Everything they call a vaccine can present serious health risks.

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Why were people so quick to run and take this crap w/o even a look into it first, I will never understand that. Whats sad, is she now gets it but its too late.

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Past experiments demonstrate how sheeple people can be. Sadly , history showed us how totalitarianism ( (government + media + ) can create fear and hate in a population; throw in blind trust, ignorance , denial and there you have it. Thank God you had the grace to see it. Sophisticated psyops were used.

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And now

We have all the criers and whiners. Do you all

Ever stop? Are you ever happy? Content? Satisfied?

No you aren’t. Ever. Good grief.

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Hahahaha yes of

Course you can find confirmation bias. ✅🤭

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Thanks for sharing her story. This is the path to change.

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Genocide Jab...these fkn pHARMa companies KNEW full well what they were/ are doing. It's not even just money. There's something much more nefarious at play. Nothing says transparency like Pfizer fighting to sit on the reports for 75yrs.

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Hahahaha shit fox propaganda off.

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See Dr.Ana Maria Mihalcea for possible cures. She does research on massive blood clots.

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Crimes Against Humanity! We need to hold them accountable. Nuremberg 2.0

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