Fauci belongs at the end of a swinging rope.

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She refused to call him Dr… the trial is a joke. The Dems all say- you are the best Dr Fauci and you have saved millions of lives. The Republicans ask some pertinent questions but why aren’t they showing that our country did do poorly compared to other countries? Why are they not asking about all the injuries and deaths post vaccination as cited in VAERS? Why are they not referencing all the studies that demonstrate the injuries and deaths caused by the experimental bio weapon? Why are they not quoting what tried of injuries that have occurred since the rollout of the experimental bio weapons such as turbo cancers, autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular disease?

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Why? Because EVERYTHING that is happening is INTENTIONAL.

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Fantastic. I only wish she'd said what was happening to those Beagles with their heads stuck in the nets. For those of you who don't know, they were sedated while some type of flea or fly was able to feed on their heads and faces and ears. Fauci should be drawn and quartered and his head stuck on a fence spike.

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That information was either from RFK Jr's book, or from the Breggins' book; I can't remember which and don't have time to look it up just now. But one of them said it.

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they are more worried about Marjorie than this serial killer!! He should be detained & face serious high crime charges. UNBELIEVABLE how ridiculous this is !

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Jun 3Edited

Fauci is a FRAUD. Not respected as a Doctor or Scientist. His Licensed revoked and millions to be paid back to the World. The Death Penalty needs to be reinstated for this Evil & Crimes Against Humanity along side the other RATS.

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That was good, now if the other 99% of the public would have 1/100 of her courage.

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He looks like one of hitlers go to lads.

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I love that woman!

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Feces treats dogs like that….what do you think he does to humans……oh yeah…give the world’s population 💉 💉 🪡

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MTG, hitting it out of the park 🙏🏻

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Agreed. With all the above

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How sad Marjorie Taylor Green’s words of wisdom cannot be enforced!!

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Search "Marjorie Taylor Greene" at Dr. Jane Ruby's Telegram: https://t.me/DrJaneRuby

MJG owns stock in many of the companies used to kill and maim. She ain't so innocent either!

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The group of humanoid looking entities behind FAUCI, I would not call them people or human , as they were the real MASTERMIND of all this should be all taken into GITMO jail alongside FAUCI....together with high placed politicians and especially the vaccine producer companies, and some from the three lettered institutions who guided the sht stirring with fearporn in all imaginable ways: offline and online main shit media, written and in oral form....supported by non doctors , like the overrated media, movie, sport etc stars....many of whom are now dead bcz of the C19shots have been injected several times into their bodies. The years of C0V1D between 2020 and 2023 are by far one of the most evil and on the largest scale organised antihumanity crimes of the world.

There will never be justice in this matter...you can all see that this is just formalities played there. The 90% of that comitee is hating Rep. GREEN for daring to speak out loud thr TRUTH. ALL SEEM UNITED to protect this bastard who truly deserves only to be called by names without his titles. Amazing speech of hitting the nail many times on its head.

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