blocking free speech preventing people from having facts that could prevent death.... its being an accomplice to murder.

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“Vive Le Quebec Libre “

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Let's hope the Quebec's will make use of LOT of the free material on Substack here for their lawsuit;))

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I spent two years in Quebec from 1978-19980. Great memories. I applaud the efforts Of this courageous woman and her lawyer.

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Miss Boies has discovered that politically correct wokist wankers are trying to censor anyone who has alternate opinions from the leftist loonery peanut gallery. Freedom of expression is not free anymore and I hope she understands that political correctness is an apostate religion ass backwards and stalinist in its totality of existence. The worst offenders against freedom of any sort is the education CYSTem.

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I think Eloise's channel is about to blow up! Certainly, I'll now give it a look.

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Good for her, she’s a gutsy gal - I’m going to support her

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Turn and face the strange


Bit by bit they are losing control.

Thanks for the post, Jessica.

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I pushed back on FB censorship some of I win some I lose-and some they don’t give me an answer what was wrong with my post the most recent one it’s so freaking ridiculous I posted pictures of birds or something else I don’t remember cause they don’t show me the post accusing me that I did it purposely just to get likes nothing wrong with the post I was accused of trying to get likes unbelievable!

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Yes I get that feeble excuse as well. I'm forecasting a straw shortage in the near future and the fact checkers will have nothing to clutch onto but thin air.

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Cheering you on from across the country!

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Go get 'em, and do reach out if you need supporting evidence.

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This is just how 'The Science™' is done, now.

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Love this!!

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I uploaded my own personal story and findings to YouTube a few years ago now and it was immediately taken down...

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Hahahahah! Oh excellent. NeverMind France’s flatulent little sister of woe that is the quebecois tribe, Where does the entire world sign up…?

Maybe it’ll bring about as much of a “payload” as the IPhone batteries lawsuit 🙄🥱…or at the very least, stimulate awareness so people look at alternative media options, but seeing as most of the courts justices in Canada are (78% Libtardo donairs) deaf, apparently?dumb, and blind to everything else going on, it sounds so, so….promising.

Distracting us from the WHO/IHR seems to be latest/greatest trend in the last few years.

This lawsuit…It’s not unlike a separatist fantasia. Of course it wouldn’t shock anyone in Canada if It’s YTchannels in French because, well…they’re nearly all deleterious of anything outside of Ebonics French culture, also, see avarice* and the “look at me” and pay me for that alone pretty much - effectually making said lawsuit a YT-junkie/crowd$ wet dream realized lol

Ahh Quebecois: far from the sultan of swingers, rather the napoleons of slang.hhahaha, good luck “Elo”, I hear elons got sponsorship re: the censored, even though X sensors a lot of content it initially feigned it wouldn’t, as does tiktok.

It’s maybe better just to unsubscribe/get a reality-based job instead of “YouTuber” 🤦‍♂️ and save yourself/ourselves* from another humiliating pre-corrupted, courthouse defeat!

Instead, a “Writ of Mandamus” is in ORDER here rather, forcing* the crown attorney general in Canada & it's justices to ACT upon these so-called elites and their censor-happy gang of woke cowards, but…as in Florida where it was recently attempted for a much more imminent reason, although not unrelated, it was smashed down and out of the courts faster than it was fucking filed.

I wonder if someone brave enough in the senate were to bring forward in the House of Commons a petition re: the Writ be utilized? Most people have never heard of it, in fact.

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From what i can see, her channel is all french?

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Quebec is bilingual but mainly French (I'm in Montreal). We have been so broken by this censorship and serious dictatorship. The propaganda from the French Canadian media was a wicked one. it's amazing how this lady put on her pants! Most of us had the privilege of having access to both French REAL news from France (Didier Raoult, Christian Perrone, Corinne Coton, Montagnier, to name a few) + access to the British and US' because most of us are fluent enough in both languages. Unfortunately very very few Quebecers sticked out their neck for the cause. It was very frustrating for us to have a good part of the world's data but almost no outlet (or courage) to share the information.

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