Absolutely ridiculous! What is the matter with people these days? This guy needs his head examined…it was water, an accident, and she apologized. Is that not enough? Why put her through this BS? She is now suspended from her job pending outcome of the case! Sometimes I think the world has gone mad. I can only pray that the judge throws the case out in disgust and chastises this man for tying up the courts and police with such stupidity and putting someone else through all of this. SMH…

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Shame on the police!!!

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Unbelievable !!! WTHELL is wrong with this guy ?!?!? What has Canada come to?!?!? What a waste of courts time and resources for this insanity!!!

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Someone should go have a chat with this neighbour.

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Unbelievable. 🙄 And suspending her from her job over a water gun is equally absurd.

But let's catch and release real criminals because that makes sense.

What is this world coming too.

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Maybe he will have to stay in on rainy days so his precious skin doesn't get water on it . Next he will charge mother nature !

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Insanity at its finest. Maybe the authorities should focus as hard on pedophiles and murders ,rapist, child trafficking.... seems more justified than a water gun mis-spray !

And the neighbor needs a slap !

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OMG, the whole world has completely lost their minds, Then you have Melanie Joly at the Lie-beral meeting here in Nanaimo that Canadians told her we do not want an election. Talk about brain dead, brain washed, DEI idiots. An election was needed yesterday. This old guy needs his head examined. And shame shame on the police to wasted resources for this BS. We have real criminals running amok in our streets, this is beyond disgusting.

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THIS is obsurd that this poor lady has to defend these ridulous charges laid against her by police who never witnessed any actions? It is definiley a "He Said - She Said Situation!" The Story reads as an idilic sunmer afternoon that got out of control due to neighbours attending to "Summer Ladscaping Chores" and all parties became overheated due to these said chores! Irritabiity blossomed and foolishness prevailed! Man, when foolish people let mindless fury control adult activities! The law should read, when more than 3 adults are ibvolved in any glaringing situation, the 2nd and 3rd. entrants must remove themselves from the situstion

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If Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock were still alive, he could weave this into a new chapter in his classic satire "Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town".

Unfortunately, it is not so funny for the accused lady.

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That is Trudeaus Canada

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Obviously a wimpy puss

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waste of the courts. this will go nowhere

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I have no words.....common sense doesn't exist anymore. Tying up our court system with something like this is beyond ridiculous. Meanwhile people are roaming our streets high on whatever, doing illegal drugs in public, actually assaulting innocent people, living in tents in our parks, making public spaces unsafe, and breaking laws left and right. Unbelievable. What were those cops thinking????

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Unreal. I think all guns need to be heal tightly by the citizens of Canada who have managed to keep real ones. Something is seriously amiss. This is insane to happen to a teacher.

F that neighbor. It's a water gun.

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If what he says is proven untrue, he should have to cover all her expenses from loss of work, up to and including all legal expenses plus pain and suffering. He's trying to publically humiliate her.

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Not only should he have to cover all her expenses, he should be charged a very hefty fine for harassing her, he should be made to publicly apologise to her including in the newspaper. The police officers who responded to the call should be publicly chastised, and lose some privileges until they learn how to police properly.

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Pretty sad.

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