I wonder which of his friends is going to be taking on this study?

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How about fixing the roads they already have?

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Just another way to get rid of the middle class faster…….tax,tax,tax,tax,tax and more tax. Soon it will be the oligarchs and US. THE POOR. SMH 🤦‍♂️

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Unrealistic. This is going to be another massive bill for a viability study(s) engineering reports, etc. All to line the pockets of Dougy boys corporate friends. This chump is selling out the people he's support to represent.

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It's just another govt money laundering scheme.

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How many spendthrift ideas can Pudding Boy come up with?

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How about stopping immigration?

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Force all the horrible drivers like the pajeets to use that death trap of a highway.

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Why would you tunnel under the highway when you can build an elevated route above the highway at far less cost?

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as long as you pay for it FORD, get real with all the debt?

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Why not just use the tunnels that are already there used for sex trafficking? I hear Ontario has many...

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Complete collapse of Canada as the oligarchs trying to take as much as they can before the masses realize what's happened.

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Can't fix stupid .. spend money in a more responsible manner , maybe ask the citizens what they want ?

Again waiting money on stupidity.

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Finally! Canada is the last country in the world for Transportation! But don't add more taxes, it is your fault and who was in charge before that we are so behind with the transportation; we have the slowest train in the world!

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