There are approx 20-30 working homeless in my community. Salary did not keep up with rent and necessities increases.

And also renovictions with no where to go that is affordable.

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Montreal here. The renovictions have been so bad here. As a side note, we're the only province with the landlords renting with a "no pets allowed" policy, leaving the pet shelters overloaded with almost no hope of adoption because of this clause.

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Spoken like a true politician. If you’re sick he’ll take care of you, seriously? WTF will he do for sick people, coerce them to get jabbed, take prescription drugs, live in a 15 minute city, approval for MAID? Another embarrassing moment in Canadian politics. Thanks Doug, now PFO!

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Ouch. Spot on.

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So he can use the tax money they raise to give to immigrants. Maybe they wouldn't be homeless if immigration was at sane levels and all the grant's for the higher castes didn't exist.

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Nailed it!

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I know 2 people who were working full time and became homeless because they could not find affordable housing. You can’t afford rent, groceries, and vehicle with the average single income in Ontario. Not everyone who finds themselves homeless is lazy.

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This is getting a reality that a class of big income professionnals have no idea about... My daughter is a victim of a renoviction intimidation scheme from the landlord. The landlord won't even make the basic overdue repairs . One income home (dad is a shop worker) with two type1 diabetic kids. If they lose their appartment, I have no idea what's going to happen.

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Wow how ignorant. He needs to step our of his dilver slippers and try living like most Canadians have to! Entitlement, disgusting. Yes I know some are guilty of choosing the lifestyle but most are not ! Those who are choosing it need mental health services!

Opps forgot that is a failure in Canada as well !

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How could a homeless person be healthy? If I were homeless I think I'd be so distraught I would not be able to think clearly.

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How the hell does he expect the homeless people to work when they have no home to go to or a place to clean themselves or anything else?

How are they supposed to get to work if they don't have any money for transportation?

This guy got rich during covid he mandated people purchase the stickers that his company made for the floors and the distancing and all the BS. He should be charged with racketeering.

This man became a multi-millionaire during the pandemic.

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And then there are the scammers milking the system. In my neighborhood near a popular mall and the university, there are often some young university age, healthy fit-looking young men coming up to cars stopped at the lights and asking for money, often while wearing expensive clothes and accessories. A distinctly different type than I see hanging around the neighborhood C-train station. But I guess why work when you can use other people's hard-earned money?

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Young people and especially new immigrants have subsidies and grants that are largely available to attend university. I have no pity for them, really.

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Maybe the homeless should run for political office? With the two levels of public funding, they might as well be the top tier, too.

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I don’t know, I wouldn’t hire those bums if I was a proprietor/shopkeeper looking for help.

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Check your attitude and leave that ignorance to your leaders . Judging? Really ?

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It is wrong to group all together because of some choosing it . Like blaming civilians for turdo spending all of our money .

Don't forget that the government wants us helpless and dependent upon them . Nobody in their RIGHT mind chooses to live like that . And as Canadians we should be helping our people instead of pushing them to the edge .

We use to be kind people .

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You can help them if you wish. When I come to the end of an offramp and I see those bums out there begging for money, no thanks, I wouldn’t want them working in my store.

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It's sad , zero compassion left I guess .

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Who says I have no compassion? I do feel sorry for them, I just wouldn’t hire them. And my comment is in response to Doug Ford‘s comment.

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so after the service corporation of Canada impersonating as a government has systematically ruined people's lives with experimental injections, mind control in school, high costs of food & gas to get you to the job FORD makes this underhanded comment??? where has this overpaid selfish greedy lineup of politicians been to actually do something beneficial for the people like encouraging family life, encouraging having kids by issuing monthly family allowance cheques to at least supplement their income. Ensuring that everyone has proper health care, that children are protected, that everyone has food & adequate shelter, that immigration be suspended until the existing population are in a better state? 70% of this government needs to be ditched. so that people like Ford can get a real job.

Why are Canadians who were born in Canada not getting another monthly cheque for all the plentiful resources particularly oil & gas, lumber, minerals, that are being sold off in Canada. The second largest country in the world!! GET A GRIP! the only problem is how this country is lead. #HowDareThey

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Best way was not to have them stay home during the pandemic. My son was working 12 hr days and never missed a day of going to work. When people get money for not working many do not want to go back to working. Your part of the problem

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While you locked down people from working because they were not vaxed and caused many to lose their lose their small businesses? What a crock I heard from the blue party you are still doing this is that true?

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What a comment coming from an ignorant... The main problem to homelessness comes from so many folks having mental issues (no institution will take them in) with not much help for a sane intergration back in society, let alone joining the workforce. so they are left on the streets. These folks just get worse mentally and/or addicted on some substance. If they even get back to work they are not reliable. The ones that persist a bit more, once they realise their meek salary is not sufficient to meet their basic needs, it gets pretty discouraging.

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What a disgusting fat fuck! What he's really saying is White Canadians need to shut and give all their money and possessions to the mass of hostile invaders that Fat Fuck Ford is helping to flood our province with. He needs to choke on a French fry and put us all out of our misery already.

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Famous last words from a slave master!

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