Where in the hell did Pierre say that he was going to take away dental care?

Stop grandstanding and virtue signaling Jagmeet Singh, call the damn election.

You don't want to because you know you'll lose your seat but it's what Canadians want so you should do it.

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Exactly! When did PP say he's going to destroy healthcare (it's already there), or take away senior's pensions - haven't heard of these things from him. I hope to h*ll he's going to make some cuts - start in the bloated government and I hope he makes them deep!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Tune into the U Tube channel that is run by Police on Guard he even admits this. His comment was what do seniors need dental care for they have no teeth. Unreal and what disgusting comment I guess he wants their food to be sucked through a straw. That will keep them out of the food banks I suppose

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Inflation kills pensions Jagmeet. And the NDP voted for inflation, hook line and sinker.

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We really need to demand public debates OUTSIDE of limited election calls, so that these party heads can be called to task to support claims like these that Mr. Singh has just made without evidence! East to condemn. harderv to defend

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Well he supporters are saying that they want dental care cut off. Where did this guy from Police on Guard get that from? You got to love how they want to protect Ukraine's borders costing us billions as well as protect Israel while our borders are open. They could care less about our country

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But you see, all Dingaling Singh has to do is put these thoughts about PP and the Conservatives into people's minds - that will trigger doubt! It's a powerful tool and they all know how to use it!

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This is why he is called sellout-Singh

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Another bunch of lies to save face and get votes. Creepy

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Even the Guy from Police on Guard sorry forgot his name he is a big time Pierre supporter and said we should get rid of dental care. Pierre's new slogan should be #SeniorsShouldBToothless so they cannot raid our food banks. Let them sip through a straw

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Pierre Poilievre wants seniors living in tents and having to go to food banks toothless so they cannot eat. But he has billions for Ukraine lol

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Oh one more thing. That bullshit about diversity is our strength the government likes to sell? You're seeing exactly who diversity serves and it's not fxxking you. George Carlin said it best and often.

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The thing about shit is it always runs downhill and ends up in the same place, the gutter. It's going to take some time but these bastards like all bastards before them will pay. Every 75 years or so it seems humanity has to deal with people who think they are fxxking smarter than everyone else at a cost of millions of lives. I believe this party is over and Canadians had better make it clear . And for those who think PP is going to change anything you've not been paying attention to what happened down south, in the UK, Germany, Italy and just about everywhere else democracies have been stolen or usurped.

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Another one who misses the fact that he had a chance too make a better , brighter future and voted the carbon tax in , helping inflation and destroying the lives of Canadians who could once afford their own damn dental care rather than have some idiot think he's doing us all a favour !

Singh is about to be exposed as a back peddling back peddler , just wait for it ...........

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Fucking snake

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Singh is a WEF 🤡 along with the Turd, brothers from family's of criminals and terrorists.

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No one trusts this fascist and if they do they are morons

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Pension and he’s far left like all NDP are as well as corrupt liberals and unfortunately the Quebecois. Some good news in all this is politicians and voters are leaving the lefties behind and that’s good for the upcoming elections-not soon enough for a fed election

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Of course.

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