Yes. We all value paying more for everything. That is what Canadians value more than anything else, is giving the government more money to waste.

How is it that the people running the country are this stupid?

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No Canadian wants a tax based on initiatives from Agenda 2030.

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I’m convinced the only solution to getting out from under the moronic elites is for the West to separate. Alberta needs Ottawa like a fish needs a bicycle.

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I'm sure Just-out Trudeau thinks if there's a vote in that idea, he will do it.

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I think we're going to hear a lot more of this bullsh*t propaganda as we near the election. It's all about the messaging, constantly repeating the same rhetoric, it's patt of the same mass psychosis used during Convid. I hope Canadians (at least somewhat more) have learned this.

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What a phucking joke. How tone deaf are these two morons?

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The only one who see “great value in carbon pricing” is the finance minister.

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One wonders if these useful idiots take themselves seriously? Do they laugh together in private after they deliver these idiotic gems to the grasping plebes?!?! I wonder if the reporters covering this drivel pushed back one iota or if they delivered this news like Moses getting the 10 Commandments and reporting them to the House of Israel? Why does anyone even pay attention to hacks like this Liberal representative?!?! 😮‍💨

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Can’t stop laughing. 🤣

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Are these guys for real 😮 — idiots —thinking Canadians want carbon tax in this Country especially! Stupid is as stupid does for all liberals and might as well say NDP too

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Low IQ Red Rats.

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Building the huge electric battery plant is now on hold. Electric cars are seen as go-no-where travel controllers. Wind turbine industry collapsing around the world. Unreliable and super expensive electricity.

But Nunavut stays asleep to be conned to build wind turbines thinking they are new and best electricity lowers ever.

Climate change has become the kid who called wolf too many times. Exposing the con and it's attached carbon tax as a created beleif system to dupe the population for easy control.

What is worrisome. Bill C293 if Canadian Senate passes it next week or two. Then like a thud. In drops total control of everyone, everything. Canada instantly changes.

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These shit Libs are so fn daft and out of touch.

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Weak men right there.

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Canada has the lowest carbon foot print in the WORLD and we get the worst carbon tax in the world. If we loose anymore carbon aka co2 we will all be dead. Actually we need MORE carbon. plants etc are suffering NOW.

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Delusional thoughts are really going around lately. Is Mercury in Retrograde?

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What a stupid FN liar

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