Another chemtrail denier, what a twit. It’s called geoengineering dude, and it’s real. That’s why the climate is so effed up so it’s time he woke up.

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And it’s no surprise he’s a Liberal. The Liberals shouldn’t even bother campaigning in Alberta as the majority of Albertans despise them.

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Yes, many governments have been involved geoengineering for decades. It is updating when they are not honest.

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Have to have someone thinking straight there in maga AB

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🤡 sheeple

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Omg here we go. Crazy right wingers.

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Trump 2024!!

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He’s going to prison

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as soon as 'they' use the word conspiracy theory, they are grasping & are desperately trying to weasel out of their own problems. We are very proud of Danielle Smith taking a strong stand for truth & hopefully justice.

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She’s a whack job

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kay I stopped myself from responding to you earlier - show us why you think this is a conspiracy and tell me when you last saw the sky that beautiful dark blue without a white horizon, or the milky way for that matter...and tell me you aren't lazy and just spouting out words like most leftists I know?

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Hahahahahaha wow. You are in deep

Seek help and please don’t vote.

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I guess then you are glad this patent didn't get passed - https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030085296A1/en

When you have a completely closed mind - then one shows their mind is completely closed to the true nature of science.

Your advise to seek help... well my dear, is reciprocated.

Why would I vote the whole government is a sham!

I'd sure vote for you though ;)

Your lighthearted laughter is catchy and has no relevant content or reason to engage in an adult conversation about opposing views without needing to shame and blame... that' takes very very little courage.

Stand up, let's hear what you have to say! You've spent a lot of energy throughout this post belittling and shaming people for their so far freedom of speech, but those like you who do their best to shut that down, will one day reap this very experience... but till then, please, by all means take the floor, share your views with us right wings at least we are not wrong winged... or was that left wing... oh sad attempt at humor, I don't exhibit your caliber it would seem.

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Very intelligent comment. Is that the best you can come up with?

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She’s to busy looking down at her phone to look up.

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Hahahaha yup✅ it’s all the right wing understands.

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He can't even tell the truth about who "Randy" is in commitee investigations. Nothing he says has any validity now.

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Danielle is 100% CORRECT on the killer chem trails, they are causing the bad weather on purpose. they are weaponizing it against us.

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There are governmental weather modification regulations - they do have the abilities and apparently wx mod's started as far back as 1850... but when you spout like this, it makes things less legitimate sounding - come learn some truths and science behind things - chemtrails and the highly toxic pollution from them. These are called cirrus homegenitus - anthropogenic cirrus clouds made from long lasting contrails.

Come visit the leading world climate expert Jim Lee at Climate Viewer dot com

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Hahahahaha holy man. BC has to build a big beautiful wall to keep albertans in. Whacka doodles.

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So which Randy is this speaking? Is it the one who has skeletons in his own closet (conflict of interest) or the other one that he can’t prove exists? Chem trails are real Randy, it’s been going on for years, wake up & smell what you are shovelling. I find it concerning when we get labeled as conspiracy theorists for pointing out something that the government doesn’t want you to talk about. As far as the policing in this province goes the RCMP could use more help thanks to the crime waves that your government has unleashed on the citizens of Canada.

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This guy is a fool!

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He lies. It is real. Chemtrails leave residual film on everything.

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It is so evident about Chemtrails, even deniers are coming along that it is a serious problem and it is changing the climate in a bad way!

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Hahahahaha stop the hurricanes the maggAts say

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The US state of Tennessee is banning chemtrails, and I doubt they would ban them for no reason, or if chemtrailing was a conspiracy theory. This typical liberal puppet has no clue and has obviously done zero research into chemtrails. Most liberals/Wokies are so used to telling and believing their own lies and are so in love with their own blank rhetoric, they immediately lash out and label others conspiracy theorists smear or they bully or belittle anyone who doesn’t agree with their “superior”narrative. Sorry, Libs/Wokies…not buying anything you’re selling.

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Hahahaha whacko doodles.

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How old are you?

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I would guess mid 50's with 8 or 9 cats, two bed room apartment near Chicago

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Which Randy is this? #liar

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He hates the thought that He got caught and that his lies are not believed. He was on the HotSeat but knew they couldn't do anything to him.... corrupt

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Which Randy is this?

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The afraid one....

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Disinformation is the codeword for truth in this diabolical little world we live in. Tinfoil hat wearers of the world have learned a long time ago that conspiracy is everywhere and theories become truth within six months or less.

If Danielle Smith was not making noise, we wouldn’t be hearing her being chastised and attacked by the leftists, they would all be content and happy doing their utmost to destroy us.

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I actually have a FOI response showing that weather modification has been happening over Red Deer Alberta orchestrated by the Insurance Industry. Proof that they are doing this...

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Please share this with GeoEngineeringFreeCanada.com yup based in BC :)

located in the far left but full of righters

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When Randy knocks on doors lol

He represents the inner city of Edmonton, nothing but druggies, homeless and the welfare crew. Looking forward to seeing this moron behind bars

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