...I don't think its necessary...! Of course not, as that might expose who actually allowed it?

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And that this incident is not isolated. There are lots of ways to play ‘within the rules’ while still tipping the scales. This one as clearly outside the rules. CTV cannot be trusted, regardless of policy or incident reviews. They are not informing the public.

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It is very odd that he didn't speak to these two reporters himself, especially since he admits he has never experienced this before in his career. Not looking at their previous work as the MP asked for is very, very strange. Wouldn't he want to be sure this didn't happen before and be proactive on behalf of the company brand? He clearly couldn't care less.

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The fact that there's no difference between any of our politicians is the reason why I (and my wife) gave up voting about 10 yrs ago.

They are all the same: psychopathic, self-serving degenerates, within a uniparty called the War Party, in a fraudulent, non functioning system, euphemistically described as "democratic." It's nothing but theatre, including this piece of Poilievre puffery.

Through voting, you get to choose who you want to be subjugated by, and who you'll be content to bend the knee to, for the next 4 years. That's it!

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

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Anyone trying to discourage others from voting is a bad actor. Imo you likely want Trudeau to win.

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Impressive questioning from a liberal...

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I stopped watching CTV and all mainstream paid-for media by Trudeau long ago due to this type of obvious pandering to the Lieberals and outright lies meant on purpose to deceive the ordinary John Q Public. The so-called news they put on is pathetic, misleading, and, as this video proves, blatantly false.

Hopefully under the new government when we at last are allowed to have an election we will get the real deal under PP and his Conservatives.

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This guy’s my hero now. And standing up to a parliament full of anti-Israel MPs couldn’t be easy either.

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