I did about 100 Freedom of Information requests to the Nova Scotia government to try to uncover what was really going on behind the scenes in our province. In Nova Scotia I could find no evidence that there was a pandemic. Sure people tested positive but based on their numbers there was a 99.6% recovery and less than 1% of the total hospitalizations were this so called virus. Most of those had other serious comorbidities or were in the hospital for something else. I was in for anaplasmosis (from a tick bite) and they pushed the PCR test on me and I wouldn't take it. My punishment? I was ignored for hours. It was all a lie. My website is www.shellyhipson.ca where I have posted the vast majority of the FOIs. Some about the Adverse Reactions to the v are very disturbing. Seizures, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, death...they knew and went about life and collecting their pay cheque as if it was just another day at the office.
Sure! At the top of my website there are a couple of FOIs mentioned. They include emails to our NS Chief Medical Officer of Health and to the Deputy, Shelley Deeks who is/was also the Chair of NACI. They were both getting emails showing that people were experiencing serious Adverse Events Following Immunization. There is also a government document and on page 4 it states that blood clotting disorders and reoccurring cancer were AEFI. My email is shellyhipson@protonmail.com
At the time when they announced their resignation, observers I follow were saying that was a huge red flag. It was there we started to realize this wasn't about science, health or a virus.
Well, as far as the remark on Natural Immunity goes, of course it is better, it is better than ANY vaccine ever created…BUT in the COVID Plandemic, as for the Bio-Weapon shots, they weren’t created to protect….they didn’t protect anyone from any thing and never could….it caused more harm than it could ever have cause good!!! And we haven’t seen anything yet of the harms that they are about to do in people that got them…SO NO, if you had the Virus which is a Gain Of Function Genetically Modified coronavirus, you have the good antibodies if you take the shot, it destroys the good antibodies that you had from the infection……SO that is a lie…it does NOT give better protection to have had the virus plus the bio-weapon….just another way to deceive people into taking the bio-weapon’s…my word!!!!
This is a case where they mix truth with lies because if you've already had the natural infection it is dangerous for you to get the injections.
In the Lancet there was an article that said it was a 56% increase risk of serious adverse events if you were already infected by the virus and then took the injections.
It's because your immune system is already primed so you overload your immune system when you take the injection after natural infection.
This is a very dishonest man he is not telling the whole truth because they still want to push the injections on those who have had natural infection.
Have it screenshot somewhere in my documents because I'm sure it must have been removed shortly after.
The Lancet also published a paper that showed the ABR (absolute) of the vaccine's efficacy to be in the 1-3% range. Not 95% which was the RRR. (relative risk).
Meaning, that when the RRR began to drop as we saw right down to 50% and even lower, the ABR moved into negative territory.
This 'vaccine' may have done some good very early and for a very brief time but over time it's not implausible that the trade-offs not only make it ineffective but harmful too.
But we won't know until the politics is out of it and we somehow get pharma's influence out of the racket. We need to conduct a true independent study looking into the collateral damage. I know there have been (I believe NBER did one) but we need more.
And none of this observational and mathematical modelling garbage.
In groups that continued to gather, despite dictatorial edicts to stop them, there was no sign of any illness spreading, and no demonstration of any "pandemic." There was no "virus" in their midst, otherwise there would have been a high incidence of illness, evident to all. The pandemic was fueled by the notorious PCR tests which were for a virus which did not exist, and the reporting of "asymptomatic cases" to rocket the numbers, and heighten fear in a population already subdued by the lying MSM. Many citizens entering a hospital, for any reason, were given a PCR test, and added to the list of Covid cases, and continual testing was maniacally pursued. Seasonal illnesses were said not to exist during the plandemic, so their numbers could simply be added to Covid stats. The worst stats. are those reporting those who were permanently maimed and those who died after getting one or more "shots" that were promised to be "safe and effective", while the manufacturers knew otherwise.
I did about 100 Freedom of Information requests to the Nova Scotia government to try to uncover what was really going on behind the scenes in our province. In Nova Scotia I could find no evidence that there was a pandemic. Sure people tested positive but based on their numbers there was a 99.6% recovery and less than 1% of the total hospitalizations were this so called virus. Most of those had other serious comorbidities or were in the hospital for something else. I was in for anaplasmosis (from a tick bite) and they pushed the PCR test on me and I wouldn't take it. My punishment? I was ignored for hours. It was all a lie. My website is www.shellyhipson.ca where I have posted the vast majority of the FOIs. Some about the Adverse Reactions to the v are very disturbing. Seizures, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, death...they knew and went about life and collecting their pay cheque as if it was just another day at the office.
Let's connect - we should get better value of your foi requests.
Like what we did with this one:
Sure! At the top of my website there are a couple of FOIs mentioned. They include emails to our NS Chief Medical Officer of Health and to the Deputy, Shelley Deeks who is/was also the Chair of NACI. They were both getting emails showing that people were experiencing serious Adverse Events Following Immunization. There is also a government document and on page 4 it states that blood clotting disorders and reoccurring cancer were AEFI. My email is shellyhipson@protonmail.com
At the time when they announced their resignation, observers I follow were saying that was a huge red flag. It was there we started to realize this wasn't about science, health or a virus.
It was all a massive political power play.
Well, as far as the remark on Natural Immunity goes, of course it is better, it is better than ANY vaccine ever created…BUT in the COVID Plandemic, as for the Bio-Weapon shots, they weren’t created to protect….they didn’t protect anyone from any thing and never could….it caused more harm than it could ever have cause good!!! And we haven’t seen anything yet of the harms that they are about to do in people that got them…SO NO, if you had the Virus which is a Gain Of Function Genetically Modified coronavirus, you have the good antibodies if you take the shot, it destroys the good antibodies that you had from the infection……SO that is a lie…it does NOT give better protection to have had the virus plus the bio-weapon….just another way to deceive people into taking the bio-weapon’s…my word!!!!
The Vaccine was not necessary AT ALL.
problem is he is saying that having had both covid plus the jab is better.
immunity and I do not believe that is the truth!
We all knew!
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This is a case where they mix truth with lies because if you've already had the natural infection it is dangerous for you to get the injections.
In the Lancet there was an article that said it was a 56% increase risk of serious adverse events if you were already infected by the virus and then took the injections.
It's because your immune system is already primed so you overload your immune system when you take the injection after natural infection.
This is a very dishonest man he is not telling the whole truth because they still want to push the injections on those who have had natural infection.
Have it screenshot somewhere in my documents because I'm sure it must have been removed shortly after.
The Lancet also published a paper that showed the ABR (absolute) of the vaccine's efficacy to be in the 1-3% range. Not 95% which was the RRR. (relative risk).
Meaning, that when the RRR began to drop as we saw right down to 50% and even lower, the ABR moved into negative territory.
This 'vaccine' may have done some good very early and for a very brief time but over time it's not implausible that the trade-offs not only make it ineffective but harmful too.
But we won't know until the politics is out of it and we somehow get pharma's influence out of the racket. We need to conduct a true independent study looking into the collateral damage. I know there have been (I believe NBER did one) but we need more.
And none of this observational and mathematical modelling garbage.
"Saved millions"? PROVE IT.
In groups that continued to gather, despite dictatorial edicts to stop them, there was no sign of any illness spreading, and no demonstration of any "pandemic." There was no "virus" in their midst, otherwise there would have been a high incidence of illness, evident to all. The pandemic was fueled by the notorious PCR tests which were for a virus which did not exist, and the reporting of "asymptomatic cases" to rocket the numbers, and heighten fear in a population already subdued by the lying MSM. Many citizens entering a hospital, for any reason, were given a PCR test, and added to the list of Covid cases, and continual testing was maniacally pursued. Seasonal illnesses were said not to exist during the plandemic, so their numbers could simply be added to Covid stats. The worst stats. are those reporting those who were permanently maimed and those who died after getting one or more "shots" that were promised to be "safe and effective", while the manufacturers knew otherwise.