Right on Farmers!! Power to the People ✊️!! Stand up and be heard! Everyone should be behind these courageous farmers!

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Globalists in power are traitors to their constituents.

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such people need to be reeducated..... jailed and but on hard labor until they believe in basic rights of human beings

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Secret eh, yes well tell them they can take their secret and shove it up their ass. Whats with the secret bullshit anyway well let me explain it to you as follows.

When any Government agency either municipal, provincial, or federal tells you it is secret it is because they are either hiding something that they do not want you the public to know, or they are pulling a fast one for their own benefit, or they are picking your pockets, or they are too embarassed to tell you the real reason.

ie good example Trudeau tells you he cant divulge information on China spying because it would cause problems with our security, NO NO NO, it would cause problems to him because he caused it in the first place.

Ford tells you it is a secret (but gives you NO reason) its because he is called "Deep pockets Ford" because he is filling his pockets with your tax $$$$$$

ANYTIME someone from Govt tells you its "SECRET" they are picking your pockets.

Have a nice day folks

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Secrets go well when you have silent EMF weapons for quiet wars.

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John Tait and family JOIN OUR LAWSUIT. www.watersheddebacle.ca We need to control our own land.

Farmers are the backbone and despite sharp pitchforks they keep it peaceful. THANK YOU ALL.

John Tait info.watersheddebacle.ca

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Keep up the fight John!

Thousands of property owners are waking up!

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Lay all this right at Doug Ford's feet. He's the one who deliberately betrayed Ontario to get in bed with Trudeau and the WEF, 15-Minute-City globalists. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

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The Globalist’s next step it to control the Land Masses and the Water…get ready..

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Go Farmers!!!!!!!

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Immigration is the reason. Then people will wonder why the price of food goes up. Let's charge a massive gas tax too!

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Will they bring in the military and seize their bank accounts, like a communist government?

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Maybe…if it was communist.

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Liberals have already proven to act like communists!

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Hahahaha you clearly need a

Dictionary. Maybe look up

Autocracy and democracy

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No I’m good. When a government enacts a war measures act to strip all Canadians of their constitutional rights. Seizes assets and freezes bank accounts of hard working Canadians. Sends in police to trample Canadian citizens with horses. Sends people to jail for over two years without a trial. Allows foreign interference to get elected. That is as close as you will ever get to a communist government. I don’t need to look things up. I have eyes, ears and a brain.

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Yup mini maga. Sad for you. They sure cry a lot. You think that’s manly. It’s really embarrassing really. That was a complete shameful

Act when they shut down hiways and International

Borders. More should have went to jail that’s for sure.

As For the farmers well those are real farmers not maga wanna be’s. They have legitimate concerns.

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There is a reason the federal courts have found the invocation of the emergency measures act was illegal. Trudeau and Freeland found guilty of invoking the act with no legal or moral grounds to do so. Now Freeland and Trudeau are being sued for breaking the law and causing Canadians financial hardships because of the illegal enactment. Courts don’t find people guilty when they are in the right. If you were trying to insult me with your adolescent drivel, you will have to do a lot better than that.



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Hahaha get the definition. They aren’t fascist

That I know.

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Transparency eh ?

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Oh you silly Prolls … submit to your overlords. Actually… well done.

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Demand ford's resignation and arrest for coercion of a bio weapon, fraud, lying to cause harm with intent to cause harm, treason to the people.

Force the communist army ( rcmp) to uphold thier oath and duty.

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Proof that famine is coming,

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