The Plan of Depopulation is right on course….when are people going to wake up! By the looks of it, not until it is too late…and maybe it is too late already!……

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Does anybody have a clue why governments around the world refuse to look into covid vaccine injury and deaths?

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Because they are complicit!!!

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They can’t admit how badly they fkd up. The law suits would bury them.

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It's very easy to understand.

The vaccines were created with minimal testing and rushed to the public. Their phase 3 trials were locked up and not open to public, peer review as EVERY other drug is supposed to be reviewed.

Instead, they were privately reviewed, the public got a "press release" version of the results and Pfizer locked up the phase 3 trial results for 75 years and Moderna for 5 years.

So the public COULD NOT see the actual phase 3 trial data to decide whether they were safe or not.

The vaccine manufacturers only permitted the use of their vaccines on the population if they were not going to be held liable for adverse effects.

Every country had to sign "indemnity clauses" removing liability from the manufacturers.

Each country's government took the liability onto themselves.

This was a massive conflict of interest, because it put the government in a position where they were trusted to "approve" the vaccine, but also to let you know if the vaccines failed.

Well, no politician is going to admit they failed and messed up, and so here we are with politicians avoiding the fact that the vaccines were not as safe or as effective as you were told by them.

There are many countries (India, the most populous country in the world refused) who refused to approve the vaccines for their people because they refused to sign indemnity clauses removing liability from manufacturers but the news, much of which is either subsidized or influenced by the politicians in the West won't report on any of this.

And so this is the scandal...and they are doing everything they can to remove people's attention from it so it gets buried.

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They were all a part of this genocidal reset

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Because they planned for and wanted them is a fair guess.

Why else block Ivermectin?

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