Look, it was a scamdemic from the get go - they knew it, we knew it but there was too much MONEY to be made for certain individuals. No way were they going to release any negative info to the public.

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Senator Johnson is a treasure. Working valiantly for all those injured and dead after these jabs.

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He’s literally the worst

Senator ever. Like ever.

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17. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18. If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men.

19. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Yahuah. ROMAIYM (ROMANS) 12:17-19 את CEPHER

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Yep…they wanted the whole world poisoned so in 75 years there wouldn’t be any of us left.

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Meanwhile, Canada hasn't begun public hearings & investigations on the COVID response… It is totally understandable why tens-of-thousands of Canadians either moved to Alberta or emigrated to the USA.

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I guess you’re not counting the National Citizen’s Inquiry? Also funny thing is that I was reading how numbers of Americans are already planning to move to Canada if 45 becomes 47. But I think there are higher numbers of Canadians emigrating, proportionally.

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The NCI is truly great but, by “public”, I meant hearings conducted by either Parliament or Senate committees, just like we see here in the USA.

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We have already seen the utter futility of what you call "public" hearings. No, I will go with the NCI before I will ever consider another carefully curated whitewash as gubbermint investigates gubbermint.

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Very sad reality is that the NCI will never be heard of by 95% Canadians. First month in office, Pierre Poilievre must announce a formal inquiry into the COVID response; ideally, he invites Brian Peckford to the table but that's incredibly wishful thinking.

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Sad reality is that MSM won’t report on it as they don’t want to bite the hand (gubbermint) that feeds it. Sadder reality is that so few Canadians realize what is going on.

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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This is all total crap and anyone listening to liar Ron Johnson should be embarrassed.

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3200 signatures. Trudeau. It is time to arrest you. We are tired of being polite. We know you are guilty of treason, Demand his arrest. No bitching, no whining, demand it.


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3200 signatures. We demand action in Canada. As sovereign citizens, it is our RIGHT and we consent to arrest Prime Minister Trudeau and his ministers for treason under common law. MPs must protect Parliament from traitorous conspiracies using "Parliamentary Privilege." Trudeau's sharing of secrets with China and campaign funding from them endangers national security.

Sovereigns Petition




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Why would you ever quote Sen. Tom Johnson if you’re trying to convince anyone that something is true. If you knew anything about him, you would know what a lifetime liar he is.

Is your office address in Volgograd?

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Anti-science conspiracy laced, partisan opinion driven misinformation about vaccines. Fact free. This should only be published with a warning label-“Designed and presented by people who want you to stop thinking and allow yourself to be driven by fear mongering to act against your own self interest. Read at your own risk.

Come on, Substack, you can do better.

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Flu vaccines aka jabs…are not vaccines …. They don’t fight the virus for the new year…….they were made for last year’s virus 🦠 and MAY help to fight off last year’s virus…..the issue is last year’s virus has been ERADICATED by the new strain this year so you’re giving your body something that ( MAY HELP YOU FIGHT OFF THE VIRUS FROM LAST YEAR THAT IS DEAD ALREADY……..ALL FACTS…..NOW…WHAT IS IN THE JAB THAT MAY HURT YOU….GO AHEAD…KEEP TRUSTING IN THE DEVIL. BTW…. check yellow prussiate of soda…. It is an ingredient in your table salt.🧂……yep….it’s CYANIDE…..do your research on everything…you are slowly killing your kids for the pharmaceutical companies and the governments in bed with them…..can you say “ OLIGARCHS “ ?

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Fuck off little bitch

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Don’t worry, DeeDee is a DooDoo…ignore the repeated hahahaha! That is the extent of her vocabulary…

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By the grace of God, I knew and am so thankful. I would have faced a firing squad before getting that poison....

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If you want to be taken seriously as a journalist you need to have a basic understanding of how to interpret data correctly. Saying that there were "37,000 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination" is a completely meaningless statement without additional information. How much time can pass before a death is not considered to have "followed" vaccination? A week? A month? A year? How many people typically die within that period of time? How do you adjust that number for the fact that people who take the vaccine are different from the general population? These are just a few pieces of data that appear missing to me, and I'm not even in the medical field--I'm just remembering a few basic principles from statistics classes taken decades ago. Please understand that I am NOT claiming that there isn't something here that is concerning. I'm saying that the data presented is woefully insufficient to make a judgement. Yes, I could probably find those additional statistics myself, but isn't that the job of a journalist? To know what additional information is needed and provide it to the reader?

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