They lifted seniors out of poverty? Gee, I must have blinked and missed it.

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Lifted a few out of poverty and left the majority watching the value of their portfolios destroyed by inflation.

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Or outright stolen portfolios.

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They lifted them out of poverty and into the grave.

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They lifted them out of poverty, and into the grave what they did

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While they plot to steal the retirement benefit and money right out of our pockets. Freeland stays close to her Nazi roots.

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They 💸 💸stole the pensions in the mid 1990s according to American economist and financier Catherine Austin Fitts. That’s why they’re in such a hurry to kill everyone off now anyway they can and to blame us for the debt while they are doing it. 💸💸💸💸💸

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Seniors are like elephants they have long memories. The ones that survived will no doubt exercise their rights in the upcoming election against the liberals and Ndp. The NDP are bigger fools they got nothing for their betrayal of Canadians and will get even less on election day.

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Proud of killing innocent seniors with the clot shots ? Injuring thousands ? You’re evil along with Trudeau!

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How does a reporter ask a question a politician will answer?I have never heard this politician answer ANY question that was asked of her.

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Yup. Neither have I.

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Until it finally answers the question that was asked and quits patting itself on the back, cameras and recorders should remain off.

And the reporters should stand up, and turn their backs on it.

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What? The dental care program does NOT automatically cover dentures!! As far as I know pre-approvals aren't even happening till November! Oh, the blatant lies these Lieberals spew forth. This federal government has done more to hurt this country than other federal government before them! Lies, lies, lies!!

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I wouldn't count having doctors offer to euthanise them as doing something to help them.

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You know when they start bt saying " let me just say this 1st"

That they are full of BS

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It always squirms and mumbles as if it is on something.

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yes your government has done more to destroy this country than anyone else.

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More lying rhetoric from the Gov’t of Canada. STOP giving away our Senior’s places to ‘illegal immigrant’s’, STOP putting these illegals up in Motels, Hotels etc etc….and start putting CANADIAN’S FIRST! Our Senior’s deserve to be taken care of in a place they can call their own! BUT this is not what our Gov’t cares about, it’s only concern is whether or not they get their ‘pat on the backs’ and extra paycheque’s from the W.E.F./U.N and the Globalist’s …. Judgement IS coming for all of them one day…..and I would like a first row seat!

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100 percent accurate.

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This from a cow who reportedly spends $6,000 per month trying to make herself look good. This whole government is delusional. My apologies to cows.

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Whatever’s she’s spending to look good it does not seem to be working 😜

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Its lips should be stitched together.

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These pieces of crap are the most hated government in Canadian history, especially by senior citizens.

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What planet or twilight zone is she living on?!?! My 90+ yr old mother who miraculously survived the shots pays an absolute premium for rent and food just like all the rest of us post plandemic Canucks. This thing ain’t even funny. Trudeau’s spent us into the ground and unsustainable tax burdens, grocery prices, you name it. Freeland needs to wake up from her Bubble Land and smell the coffee. The country is in a shambles!!

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I can’t listen to her. She’s unbearable and also full of 💩. PFO Twitchy.

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Why does hearing her speak make me want to shove ice picks in both my ears? Lol

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Or have her shove them in hers!! 😂🤣

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Hahaha even better!!🤣

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Symbolically hilarious. Still laughing while my ears are shivering.

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Omg too funny😆

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she needs to get her head examined, this person has serious mental issues like most of the libtard party. Even the word liberal is an oxymoron

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Yes freeland you should be very proud, one day all of the nice things that you and your great government are doing for all of the Canadians, not just the seniors that are forced to live on the streets and the richer ones live in a tent, one day all of you and your great people will meet your maker and then and only then we will see how proud your will be for all of the very nice things that you have done, but until then have your fun spending all of the taxpayer;s hard earned money and keep blowing air from your lying mouth. :(

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