Such a disgusting liar

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He's an actor, like Zelensky and likes to play with younger girls like Zelensky plays the piano apparently. Rumours abound about hidden lawsuits and former employment.

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No to Trudeau and no to UN and no to WHO

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He has zero credibility with Canadians but he’s a willing puppet for the WEF and UN.

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Trudeau in his new job elsewhere!!!! :(

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He is so hilarious.😂

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I guess he is not so worried about one world government and Great Reset as the rest of us.I call this abdicating your responsibility. Canadians always fall for this nice sounding garbage.

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🤡 🤡

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SDG = totalitarian depopulation goals

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As anyone from the 70's or 60's who fought against actual communism in those days know, Sustainable Development agenda is communism and a vehicle to steal monies and land from communities while roping the mice into lala land. There is a book called "Behind the Green Mask". Read it and share it with your excitable and supportive friends who believe in this communist crap.

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BRICS is coming you DOUCHE. You are finished.

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In Trudeau speak , “ work with” means sell out to. If The UN were irrelevant, it would be a good thing . As it is they are far too dangerous to western nations and culture.

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UN almost united against Israel's extremism. Almost entire world community say they need to be a state. 140 member states already recognize Palestine as a state and in the UN in Gen Assembly and in the UN Security Council is illegal and is war crimes and is a threat to world peace. Professor Jeffery Sachs.

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