"Canadians remain positive towards immigration"?? What planet is this guy living on?

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The new 'Canadians' are positive towards immigration. After all, every Indian who ends up in Canada wants to import his 30 cousins, etc.

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Though many aren't. I always talk to my Uber drivers and several that have moved to Canada are shocked by the living conditions when they arrive. More than a few are planning to move back to their homeland and families. Canada sold them a lie and they know it.

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He makes up his own scenarios. Truth has nothing to do with it. 🤷

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Planet Justin!! Where his weird party goer mother is!!!

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Haha, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

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Meanwhile, I've never seen more homelessness in Canada in my life. Help CANADIANS first. Just a thought.

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It’s painful listening to him.

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What Canadians has he been talking to?

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First generation 'Canadians' very likely. I talked to a customer service rep recently who was based in Toronto. Although originally from Chile she was gushing on about how much she loves Canada for its diversity. "Of course you do," I said, "because you are an immigrant and you don't care about the heritage population that is being swamped." She didn't like that too much.

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How do think the peoples Native to the land felt when the criminals from France, Italy and Britain first landed on the shores, stuck a flag in the ground and claimed the entire country as their land in the name of a Reptilian Queen or King? Then raped their women and pillaged their land and wild life... "Paved Paradise and put up a parking lot!" as Joni Mitchell put it well!!! Then they gave them all the alcohol they could drink, locked them in concentration camps, stole their resources, pillaged the minerals in their ground, polluted their water, destroyed their heritage and gave a pittance of their rightful inheritance, as long as they remained locked in the "reservation"!!!! This is what the WEF is proposing with the 15 minute cities and government control. Time to take down the real criminals ... Trudeau and of the Defacto Government. They truly have no jurisdiction on these lands since Queen Victoria died, and particularly since Trudeau sold the Crown Corporation to the CCP (Asian Bank) in 2022... Corp Canada is now a Foreign Government and no longer a country... Check it out on EDGAR the SEC Securities Exchange Commision.

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That will be classified as hate speech in a few years...

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My sentiments exactly!

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His riding is comprised of the Laurentian elite. Most of them would profit from a larger population. They'd also be able to afford private sector services if unwilling to wait for the overburdened public sector alternatives.

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Why is this host agreeing with him instead of challenging him to where he is getting his info from saying Canadians agree with him? Or is he another paid Journalist?

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Trudeau would never sit and talk with someone who would challenge him.

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Nate has served as a Liberal Member of Parliament in Canada since 2015. https://www.uncommons.ca/about

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Yep, he's also responsible for the egregious private members Bill C-293! I think most commenters here are not realizing that this is not an actual media piece - just more Lieberal propaganda!

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Are you listening Canadian Independent ? We sometimes need to know a bit more about your postings. That would be appreciated.

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Thanks for saving me looking up. can say..NOT SURPRISED. MORE PROPAGANDA He has His Agenda and plans on following it through for WEF, and we are not in His plan.

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Most likely!!! They were all bribed and paid well since 2019! I have the list that Rebel News exposed in 2021. This has truly been going on since "1986 The Act", when Pharma was no longer liable for injuries or deaths due to vaccines or pharmaceuticals. They began to buy up ALL MSM worldwide and controlled the narrative via propaganda worldwide. I worked at Global TV then and watched it all unfold. Have tried to warn people since.

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yup warning people all the time too. Some are waking up! I think the ones waking up are noticing that what they did, did not STOP them from getting sick again and again.... AND they also have been told (by me) watch the Obits for a bunch of "died suddenly". Small town here so very noticeable. WE have to be the ones talking about it all the time regardless if we get called conspiracy theorists!

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Just watching "Vaxxed III - Authorized to Kill" premiere! A must see- and share. They are already being blocked.


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We should find this POS a home in a prison and throw away the key.

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Tarred and feathered on Parliament Hill first!

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A pathological liar is what he is.

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Much WORSE! Genocidal narcissistic psychopath ... responsible for the world mass murder since he sold the synthetic mRNA and Sars-CoV2 spike protein (banned in US Nov 2015 as a biological weapon) to Gates-Wuhan Lab in Dec 2015 at Paris Peace Talks, for $500,000 million and a $40 kickback for every dose sold worldwide.

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Yes, he made BIG $$$s on it — invested in one of the companies in BC that’s linked to the death shots, as I heard it. How can he still be PM and not tried for crimes against humanity?!?!?!

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That was Acuitus in Vancouver, they produce the lipid nano-particle which makes every $hot work!

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No we don't.

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No. We don’t want them. We don’t have the resources, health care or space in schools.

It’s caused a housing crisis, huge job losses with Canadian citizens, unprecedented inflation and poverty. I am sick and tired of Trudeau catering to immigrants regardless of the cost to all of us who have worked here our whole lives.

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Perhaps only missing a STRAIGHT JACKET!! I never saw anyone ever PATHOLOGICALLY LIE like this. Amazing, absolutely amazing. He started with 6 RCMP vehicles escorting him in Canada. After 9 years of continuous lying, Canadians despise him now ... so he uses 20 vehicles escorting him in Canada, ..... and he's still LYIN? Am I missing somethng here?

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Lying, narcissistic piece of shit v

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It's amazing that diversity is supposed to be a strength, but countries like China don't seem to need this 'strength'. In fact, they are economic and scientific powerhouses despite having very low diversity. Korea produces more scientific research per capita than almost anywhere else, yet it is completely non-diverse.

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Canadians are not positive to the immigration that's happening now in Canada....what Canadians are you speaking to? Certainly not the Canadians who have lived here for generations and can't afford to buy a house!!! Please leave Canada after you are ousted from our parliament!

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And for some reason that I don't understand, the vast majority of our immigrants are coming from one country, India.

Listen to this warning by S. Jaishankar -- Minister of External Affairs of the Government of India, https://x.com/i/status/1841934829669195806 Pretty concerning if true!

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Hi is such a liar, evil slithering snake

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Guys a moron - every time he opens his mouth he reveals how he is not a Canadian, or even a rational human being!

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