I thought he stepped down??!!

And closed parliament until March...

I think when you step down, you no longer have the right to make decisions for Canada anymore...

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This is all about authoritarianism and conditioning people to the new normal. Wrecking Canada to make a North American Union seem like a good option.

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"stepped down" means stop bugging me and let me rip once White Kanadahar in peace (s).

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Yeah right. Idiot liberals can't do anything right. And using Alberta's money to do this. And his Quebec friends get the contract again. Screw Trudeau.

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Soooo… 3.9 billion to build a high speed train, which has a stop in Peterborough. Anyone with land north of Hwy 7 - get ready for the feds to steal it.

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Yes! Trudeau's alleged father, Trudeau 1.0, grabbed farming land in the 1970s, at St Scholastique, Quebec, for the erection of the Mirabel airport. Which almost never went into operation.

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Could be! Once elected, why would the Conservatives not cancel this other Trudeau pipe dream?

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Looks like Trudeau learned from his buddy Newsome.... unbelievable


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That 3.9 billion guesstimate will perpetually balloon.

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My guess is 3.9 trillion by the time the liberals are done Fing it up. Calgary can't even get a train going ffs.

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And padding the bill to launder yet more money.

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The west wants out.

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Internet of things and 5G for the smart grid - this is NOT for the benefit of Canadians.

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what does he need a 3.9 billion dollar train for when he has a fleet of private jets he can use to fly around to the various Gay Pride events?

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More money to his handlers on his way out the door. How it is that Canadians have allowed these politicians and bureaucrats to destroy our country is beyond me.

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To much tv news people that just don’t care! And vote on the looks of the candidates

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I bet , this costs over 10 billion to complete .

Not to mention , how about fixing the federal highways . I know in my area , the TCH is the worst road around . Edmonton and west for 75kms you can count the bumps in seconds between them . Someone please invite the pope again !

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Says the COWARD / Pathological Liar who has SHUT DOWN the House of Commons / Canadian Parliament, effectively blocking any Canadian MP from properly representing their constituents in line with our Canadian Constitution. There's not many humans LOWER than this FAKE!

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Thought we got rid of him?

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Vermin is difficult to eradicate.

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Especially the slow squirmin’ vermin.

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He didn’t step down… he said he was “going” to. All lies, games, optics.

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this is ridiculous plain and simple. A waste of money. The only stops it makes are limited and the money he wants to spend could better in other things. It won't pass. He's out.

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Can he even do this while parliament is prorogued?

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It might be the BIGGEST infrastructure project in terms of dollars, but is it really bigger in scope than the trans-continental railway built in the 1880's that spanned Canada from coast to coast? Will it be more impactful than the St-Lawrence seaway project of the 1950's?

This sounds more like premature election ejaculate from a desperate man hoping to maintain his clutch on power.

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Hope he doesn't plan on taxing anyone for this money laundering scheme....especially Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Smells like Gavin Newscum's high speed LA to Frisco high speed raiil scam

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3 2 1…….and Alberta is outta here!!!!

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🤑🤮🤑🤮🤑🤮 Dream on sockboy!

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The Slime Sinister deserves a piano wire necktie, and perched on a slowly lowering platform.

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