Oh great, she's a WEF woke idiot. MSM is propaganda.

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I would say WEF Agent, a traitor to Canada.

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“Real journalists” is newspeak for presstitute.

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Canada, full speed ahead into DEI tyranny 🤦‍♂️

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Yup, full speed ahead alright…the W.E.F/U.N/Rockefeller/etc etc etc Global Reset Agenda 2030……Stay strong, and keep on speaking the truth…..! Back all the REAL JOURNALISTS the Independent Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers…..putting themselves in harm’s way to get the truth out to everyone…..

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The real journalists??? Ooof

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I guess she doesn't like the independents.

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She says with a wink wink and a nudge nudge!

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I accidentally deleted my comment. My apologies. I meant to edit and now I forgot what I wanted to edit. My apologies.

Anyway. I think the CAF should focus on, you know, NATIONAL DEFENCE. Asking 'media' to help her combat 'disinformation' can but be a toxic alliance that will inevitably result in curbing free speech and expression. It also only adds more suspicion that this is a DEI hire.

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I am a woman and I prefer men to be the protectors

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I agree, so many 'jobs' now are given based on sex etc., rather than on experience and specific requirements that qualify a person to exceed in that role.

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perfectly stated, thanks!

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So what’s she going to do, hire a crew of fact checkers to help block the misinformation/truth? By fact checkers they actually mean truth blockers.

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The new Chief of Staff of the Canadian military is a woman. Sounds like a diversity hire. We've got a real blood and guts warrior in command, a regular George S. Patton. I don't want to sound sexist, but I think this is totally insane.

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If she wants a senate seat later she needs to stick to the Trudeau script.

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Chief of Defence Staff, Jennie Carignan - what a complete tool.

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From what I heard, she's not capable of helping Canada get out of this globalist mess.

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Plenty of content here for comrade Yuri Bezmenov to do his best? Subvert the subversives!

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Another dinosaur 🦕

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