Reapply? These bureaucrats should personally attend at each and everyone of the fired employees homes, hat in hand and with retroactive pay cheques sincerely apologizing and begging them to return.

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I totally agree, there should be back pay for these workers, although they might be better off organizing a mass litigation.

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Law avenue is a trap that wasts your time and money. Has anyone had a good result in the courts regarding the fake pandemic?

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Healthcare workers demand that there be a public inquiry into Adrian Dix and Bonnie Henry's conduct for and preceding the last four years.

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Perhaps it would be (taxpayers') money better spent. Otoh, as anyone, not living under a rock for the last 4 yrs, knows, Adolf Dickshit, Bonnie Himmler, et al, are mass murderers and should be tried, convicted, and, until we bring back the guillotine, locked up for life.

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Democide is the appropriate term.

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Actually Menticide is a good one as well, ' 'Rape of the Mind', which was the fake covide play book. Excellent read.

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The government will not find the government in error especially when we are talking about Democide here.

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So that's it huh? Dix & Henry get to casually announce hey the scamdemic is over, come on back now. Seriously? No accountability, no admission of harms done, nothing?? That is complete BS right there!! They're going to get off scott free - where are all the angry people??

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Looks like the angry people were all in Alberta. BC has low social cohesion due to mass immigration, plus the few remaining white people are left leaning and generally spineless.

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Out with the old scam in with the new scam.

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Make no mistake - If the NDP get reelected they will reverse all their recent announcement that are designed purely to get reelected. Shame on Them.

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Tommy Douglas would be spinning in his grave if he could see the bizarre transformation that's taken place in the ONLY party that truly represented the working men and women of Canada.

The problem is, people are creatures of habit and tend to follow "their party" blindly - even over a cliff. That's definitely the case in BC, where the riding I live in is so solidly NDP that no one else has the slightest chance of breaking through. That's not Vancouver BTW. Where I live most of the people are loggers, mill workers, farmers, fishermen or in some way support those activities. Lots of independent truckers as well, but unfortunately not a lot of independent thinkers. Sadly, I got a lot of negative reactions from my fellow truckers when I mentioned my support for the Freedom Convoy. I had to grit my teeth every time someone called us heroes. Yeah, a few were, but not nearly enough.

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Hopefully most of those health care workers left the province for other opportunities. Canadian degrees are well regarded in the United States, etc.

Imagine being so utterly dumb or evil that you get rid of health care workers for the sake of an overblown cold. Then you import millions of people from the third world and act surprised when no one in Canada can find a doctor anymore. Canada already had major issues with wait times before the scamdemic.

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And if you do find someone... I had to make 10 calls yesterday to book an appointment because the other person has an issue with English.

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In your own Goddamn country! Can you even imagine?

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No one is interested. They moved to Alberta.

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Tell them to F off

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So many have. They have truly destroyed healthcare in BC.

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Too late! Most have left the province and even the country. BC is SOL.

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Interesting hi s partner in crime is not on the podium, Of course may be a clear the plandemic decks action as they prepare for the worst flu yet maybe their new disease X that they already have a vaccine for is ready for release, My guess they will announce a totally silly virus around the middle of September and it will be some how the bird flu cross breed with covid or some other silly nonsense followed of course with a refirering of healthcare workers fir not believing in disease X

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I don't think they'll try the same strategy again. Too obvious and the push-back will be much greater. The recent internet failure may be a clue as to what comes next, possibly even as an excuse to suspend the Nov. election.


My understanding is that the underlying vulnerability is still there and that it will take a major change in network architecture to correct. I hope that's not true, but people who know more about it than I do seem to think so.

Here's he best explanation I've found of what happened and what's at stake if it's not corrected.


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The deep state is not very bright - don't need to be when they have authoritative control, They recently tried to use monkeypox as the scare - that did not work so they will try another, their prime weapon is time and keep hammer with subtle variants of the same plan and of course they could use an interrnet failure to prevent the awake from connecting and getting the facts.

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Thousands have already moved on that won’t come back. What a sh1t show.

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A big F You, asshole. Take your job offer and shove it up your ass!

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Reapply? This is just adding insult to injury.

Also, not once during this entire assault on common sense (not to mention human rights as laid out in the UN charter and Nuremberg Code) did I hear anyone in a position of authority mention vitamin D or Zinc as necessary to maintain your immune system. That one piece of information alone could have saved everybody a lot of trouble. Don't even get me started on HCQ and IVM. Both proven effective at reducing symptoms and both safer than either Aspirin or Tylenol.

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Paxlovid studies show no mortality benefit. But they do show a 3% casualty rate.

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Dicks by name and dicks by nature!

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Here Dix


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And now, HC worker must submit to immunity testing - blood tests.

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Please elaborate. Are they asking for blood tests to show covid antibodies?

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TBD what is specifically expected here ...

Fox Mulder: Trust No One Includes The NDP


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And when will the next forced jabs be implemented…..shame on all you people who FORCED people to jab up or leave their jobs / or be fired. They should all sue the ones who forced them out of their jobs for not taking the jabs…..empty their personal accounts….offshore and others….. tax payers should NOT have to pay ANYTHING.

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