Meantime we're all being poisoned daily, even the people who are denying its happening, they're too being poisoned.

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Hahahahha omg. Best leave the country. I hear Russia has room

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Russia is likely the best place to live right now. Because Putin isn’t a WEF arse kisser like Trudeau

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Nah he's one of the O.G. Young Global Leaders, was best buds with Herr Schwab, and is implementing all the WEF's tyranical policies anyway (facial recognition cameras everywhere, digital ID, biometric payment systems, locking up wrong-thinkers, etc).

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Good go there. No one cares. We aren’t the USA and don’t need maggats here.

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I think it's time you check into an insane asylum . What a worthless existence your life must be !

Let me guess , 245 genders and pregnant men is real to you but seeing the sun being blocked is a conspiracy ? LMAO !!!!!!

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Hush it Dee Dee dum dum.

You’re either a paid troll or have some reading / watching to do. Something tells me you won’t though…

4 part series full of info:





A former BC premier has spoken out publicly.

Go on Bitchute and watch:

What on earth are they spraying

Why on earth are they spraying


And shut it with your useless comments.

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Alleluia at least she is recovering the issue and will attempt to do something about it. Good to know this is on the radar 👌

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yes she acknowledged it ... kinda ... at least more than any other politician .. but attemptin g to do something about it? No, she totally fobbed it off.

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so glad that Danielle is addressing this very serious attack on all living things with geo engineering, chemtrailing which is proven to exist. Just need to see the patents from decades ago!! this is the cause of the escalation in fires & why plants and trees look unwell. Obiviously what falls from the sky lands on everything below!! I highly recommend that you follow this fellow's work https://zerogeoengineering.com/2024/radiation-a-central-component-of-weather-control/

thank you Danielle for your bravery & strength. There is still much to do but you are the only Premier that is gutsy enough to take on the FEDS & the AB provincial internal corruption that is deeply rooted. WE must give her our support!

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Actually Danielle has spoken out about those fires, they are mostly human caused (arson). Surely they are more devastating because of the aluminum and other components of chemtrails.

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Yes! I watched them spray day and night for 2 weeks and then, boom, we have 167 fires in Alberta.

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Hahahahaha omg. You should live in a red

State below the border hahahaha

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You have no brain. Just go away

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Stephanie Kusie is Board member on the Rockafellar Trilateral Commission.  As were Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest and Jeffery Epstein.  What is your role there?  Are they working for an unelected foreign identity?  As a Public Servant are they in a conflict of interest.  The Trilateral Commision is all for a One World Government.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Harper sneaks through Canada-China FIPA, locks Canada in for 31 years. https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/

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Hahahah she’s a trumpette. God give us strength to deal with the cult.

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hey dumdum do some research or are you a paid troll/bot

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Harper sneaks through Canada-China FIPA, locks Canada in for 31 years. https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/

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You are in a cult. Seek help

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Have you ever looked into this subject , there are 100s of articles in the media in the past 15 years . Are you expecting the government to send you a pamphlet on this information ? LMAO !!

Clueless , and a troll , you're quite the combo . Let me go a little psychic and predict your reply won't bear a shred of knowledge , just insults !

You liberals are all the same : "this is wrong but don't expect me to know why"

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You too are in a cult

Seek help

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So , CBC posts up an article and now we are all part of some cult ? Wow , you are the mentally disturbed idiot here in a cult of disbelief ! I guess that happens when brothers and sisters have kids like your Mom and Dad right ? Go to hell troll . You try all the help you can and I bet it still wouldn't fix you !

Unlike your pathetic reply , I offer a lot more than your delusion opinion of things . You are a clown dee dee , a butt hurt clown ! https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna33495560

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Cult? Your head is in the sand. That’s a sickness among deniers.

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Yeah you are

More then a denier, it’s called

A Conspiracy theorist. The poorly educated get caught up in Cults. They need to be told What to say think feel believe and do. Sheep…

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That's conspiracy realist , and you are asleep , 5 shots in sound right ? Tell , me , how did anyone survive the pandemic without a clot shot ? Let me guess , your reply will contain insults but not a fact will be found !

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This is good to know. Our airspace is not protected by our provincial government. Do we then have the right to remove this threat as we see fit?

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I have been studying this threat since the 90's. I first noticed it in Ontario. There were grey/white chemicals on the ground cover plants all around Georgian Bay. When I came back to Alberta, I noticed the same plant killing effluent.

It wasn't until I moved to Vancouver Island that someone explained to me what the trails in the sky were.

I started to look for areas around BC and Alberta that were dead zones with no satellite connection or cell phone coverage. I used to think all it would take is one chemical dispursor DOWN to get the attention of the populace.

There's no need for that now. Now, our air/water/soil is contaminated and people are finally paying attention.

I guess it's better late than never?

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I’m sure airspace is Federal

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Omg loonie tic

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Let's not overlook that every time we have a thunderstorm with chance of hail, the planes are up spraying silver iodide in the air... And it sounds like the hailstones are bigger than they were decades ago before the hail suppression program...

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How do you extremists sleep at night. Drink water eat food. Afraid of everything. Damn you need help. Trumps cult has infiltrated Canada. The poorly educated

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Did your education bring you here to troll ?

How bad does the sky have to get messed up before you wake the fk up idiot !

Go back under your rock , and this time , hit your head again . Eventually , you might come around .

What are your pronouns ? It ?

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She is lying through her teeth. I know of at least one lawyer who has informed her of these illegal activities and I have even heard that my 300+ page investigative report on Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada made it to her office desk (whether she read it or not is hard to say, though).

And just look at her facial expressions/body language, as you can tell she is very uncomfortable in her lies.

My 4-part series:

Part 1 - Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada


Part 2 - Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada (cont'd)


Part 3 - Are we still a nation of Laws & Justice? Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada


Part 4 - Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada, Part 4 (Addenda, Updates, Overall Conclusion & Open Letters)


Time to hold our elected officials accountable for their lies (and hence complicity)!

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Anyone recall Manitoba premier Brian Pallister's remarks while fielding a question on iver mec tin in 2021?

"Manitoba Premier: I Want To Thank The People In Charge For Making That Rain Available"

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I clearly remember him making that comment!

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Can she explain why we can't get a fairly accurate forecast anymore? It's like the weather people don't know what's coming anymore.

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Omg you are kidding I hope. You people Are

SomeThing else. How do you get through one day at a time. How do you sleep

At night. Are you afraid of

Food? Water? Animals? Air?

Holy man. The trump cult has infiltrated Canada.

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Awww just go back to sleep hunnie.🤦‍♀️

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Ignore the troll - it's like a pet that needs to be scratched.

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Not a single fact in any reply , you remind me of kamala ! 49 clicks in a clue and neither of you have a click in your head !

Let me guess , you like pedophiles like Joe too ? Aren't your special !

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They cancelled and banned all chemtrailing in the state of Tennessee, and RFK Jr. says he’s going to ban it nationwide, so SOMEONE knows EXACTLY who’s doing it. Very interesting to hear Premier Smith mention the DoD in the USA possibly being behind the toxic spraying. Meanwhile, check out Dane Wiginton’s extensive research on chemtrails at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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Yes. In Tennessee, they first had to proove their existence, and they did have solid documents. It could be done the same way in Canada. But the win was not total if I remember well : only the sprayiings having to do with climate control were banned.

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It’s a good start! God bless the folks of Tennessee!

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RFK Jr also believes in "full vaccination for all Americans" and most recently said we shouldn't seek justice or retribution for the Covid psyop. www.RFKexposed.com

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Now lets define. "Airspace"

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People need to stop focusing on chemtrails. Yes it happens. But it’s used with their other weather machines! They are all over the world and they even have portable machines. They are even on ships.

Start watching the Windy app and you can see lots going on. You have to use Brave and read. Lots of reading.

Even Dane Wigingtion admits they can steer storms. It happens all the time! Watch out even during provincial elections. They can stall storms causing chaos. They can stalll storms to deter rural voters.

BC, New Brunswick, are at risk for weather manipulation. Saskatchewan has massive machines hopefully used to protect itself.

The weather machines are used daily. Chemtrails are not.

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It’s the extremists on the far right. They are afraid of literally everything. Cry about everything hate everything. Believe anything. It’s so embarrassing

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I’m sure you’re right. Don’t forget to get your 9th vaccine to keep that track record.

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Wrong again , not afraid . Far from it . Let's look back , you were afraid to type lunatic in a previous comment , or too dumb to know how to spell , can't decide , LMAO !!!

You are like a clueless wonder dee dee . What part of Ontario are you from ?

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The fact they’re talking about it says volumes


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They can’t hide forever. Truth is hard to silence.

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"Truth doesn't mind being questioned, but lies don't like being challenged."

Randy Hillier

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With the approval of our current Federal government.

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Hahahaha oh boy heres another conspiracy for today. You guys must be exhausted in your fear of life. ✅🥱

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Exhausted? Actually it's quite liberating and refreshing to go around with your eyes open. How do you like sleepwalking?

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Something of a fudge answer TBH.

Maybe someone should show her this link to the Weather Modification Information Act (1985).


Or the massive increase in aluminum on planet earth.

And then just get her to look up at the sky.

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Thank you but who says she’s telling the truth? People have stated they’re coming out of Sask as well as a whistleblower out of Vancouver says he’s paid per gallon. Another said there is an airport out of Red Deer that may be farm crop spraying or Chem trail spraying. I still go with dirty Trudeau as air space is Federal.

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