Just common sense. Too bad it requires legislation.

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That sounds quite reasonable other Provinces should listen up especially "DO Nothing Ford"

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Now this is a well thought out plan, unlike JT's forced agenda. It is sensible and accommodating for all. It's nice to see a Premier listen to the people. Too bad Ford doesn't have a brain, courage or morals to come up with a good plan for Ontario. Congratulations Danielle. Moving to Alberta might be a good option. 💯🇨🇦

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What’s 10 year old+ FIPA and Harper deals have to do with degenerates putting their ideology into practice on minors to the applause of sick canadians?

Are the Chinese employees in your government promoting gender ideology or opposed to that twisted crap?

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Didn't think any Premier would actually follow through; it's sad that it happens but it must be done. Politics is downstream from culture and our culture must be defended by Law against the Weimar-Multiculturalist degenerates out there. Only in Alberta, of course; notice how the Provincial flag is slightly in front of the Federal one. Jason Kenney must be foaming at the mouth about how the “crazies continue to take over the asylum”—FU, Kenney!

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For those who follow me as you know I usually refer to him as "Deep pockets Ford" due to his crooked deals with business friends ie the Greenbelt scandal, the science center just to name a few but in this case, I will call him DO NOTHING FORD because, well lets face it he does nothing good other than perhaps the one off $1 buck a beer.

Note to the Conservative Party Time for a new leader folks or you may just loose the next election and I am a Conservative.

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Doug Ford hasn't even banned the genetic-mRNA shots in the healthcare system yet and he's not going to do something like this. The fake “Conservative” party of Ontario is totally gone; I highly recommend getting involved with the New Blue Party, which got 125k+ votes in 2022, almost 3% of the total vote in its first election, historically.

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Anyone who opposes his is fkn retarded. There are studies, that are conveniently hard to find since this social engineering has begun, showing more than 80%+ of children with gender dysphoria grow out of it by the time they are in their early 20's to realize they are just gay. So affirming an opposite gender too young is ridiculous when statistically they will grow up to regret it and cannot reverse it. You think their suicide rate is high now, just wait until those improperly affirmed chickens come home to roost in their 20's.

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I suppose her complex series of legislative actions will constrain the gender fluidity activists, but by acknowledging the activists' intention to disrupt & mess with adolescents' biological gender (gender is not an identity or a Marxist 'choice') they confer legitimacy on this cynical subversion & exploitation of gender confusion, a sometime temporary condition of adolescence.

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This all seems like common sense logic to me. I am sure the left will have a melt down over it.

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How sick. 16 and 17 year olds. What about mental health support instead??

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The fact that this legislation is needed is a harsh commentary on the failures that plague our society. That said, it appears a lot of common sense and careful consideration was given in drafting your law. Thank you for taking action to correct many harmful conditions existing today. Identifying problems is only successful when accompanied by actions to eliminate or reduce those conditions.

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