Huge win for Albertans — if only all of our provincial elected officials supported Canada’s citizens’ rights and freedoms, (what a shame they don’t). Imagine a new Canada and a True North that would actually be Strong and Free, not weak and downtrodden.

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Great lady, Alberta should be proud of her.

Best CDN premier ever!

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Now if she would dismantle the AHS, they're all mobster pedophiles who are stealing millions from people who need medical care, they pay their high end lawyers instead.

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She's actively working on breaking up AHS into four separate entities.

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Leadership has all got to go, start over with people who care, not a bunch of bureaucrats. Maybe throw a few doctors in there.

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Doctors who DIDN’T SIDE with the Fauci regime.

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What happens when the Pandemic Treaty is signed and becomes International Law (it's at the second reading in Senate) ..... which one will take precedence and will a person have to go to court for the provincial law to be honored?

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We as sovereign people will not comply under any circumstances. My middle finger is standing up at these sociopaths who only think of profits.

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I expect the govt. of Alberta would challenge that, all the way to the supreme court if necessary. Not sure what the outcome would be however.

The basic problem I see with Canada, outliers like Alberta notwithstanding, is that most Canadians seem to feel it's the government's job to take care of them, as opposed to taking personal responsibility for their own well being. This attitude has been noted by all the major parties who naturally cater to what they feel will get them the most votes. On that basis I don't see much chance of rolling back the authoritarianism regardless of which party is in power. I hope I'm wrong, but going by what I've seen these last few years I'm not optimistic.

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Good question! Hopefully someone in the know will reply.

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Any other Premiers, PMs, PM wannabes listening?? !!

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Hopefully BC will follow as long as we can get rid of the NDP tyrants.

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Well done! Can we amend it to include the Right to try? We were denied the right to try medication that is approved and been used for other purposes...repurposing medication has been done through the years. What about the right of doctors to practise medicine and chose to treat symptoms the way their medical training has given them the knowledge to do so.

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Kudos, Premier! Our David Eby and his consummate sycophant, Bonnie Himmler, are too pathetically woke to even think such sanity.

Comox Valley, BC

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Wonderful news for Alberta! Too bad BC is so messed up it’s a sinking ship.

I am disgusted with what has happened to our once beautiful province due to poor leadership and a Socialist government!

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Woot! Oh I wonder what the lefties are going to say...

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Govern me harder, mommy! 😝

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This is the reason why tens-of-thousands of Canadians moved to Alberta (from Ontario & BC) during the COVID years, including last year when vaxx requirements were still active with many Ontario employers. If you don't have autonomy over your own body—free from ultimatums and regardless of “due process of law”—then you have absolutely nothing and the government owns you.

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Urgent next disclose the scandals upfront in all aspects of corruption with law firms college of physicians. Over 3,000 high priced bureaucrats draining funds full disclosure NOW.

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Still have to ditch the Commonwealth ties and drop all Canadian politicians with their paying homage to the British Crown and secrecy on their privy council.

Privy, as I recall was a term used when colonists and rural Americans used outhouses. Maybe they too knew where Britain's shit resides.

It's also why I call that shit a Turdeau.

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I wonder if fatso Ford is listening.? Likley not, but at least I know, the next time they pull their covidian bs, I'll be leaving the ontario oblast of the peoples republic of soviet canada and heading directly for the free state of Alberta.

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We need the right to try in the case of terminal patients.

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Sounds good to me!

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