My 3 part covid truth series podcast reminds people of what happened, so we do not forget and never fall for it again. They are trying to do it again with different fake flus right now, if they think people will go for it they will pull the trigger again with the laws already on the books. Hundreds of millions of chickens are getting killed right now, destroying the food supply because, government agents are using the fake PCR tests on the chickens giving false positive results, and the farmers do not resist the corrupt federal government for fear of what the government will do to them.

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


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My favorite parts of Covid:

The Doctors

Of The Medical Freedom Movement

Are Fighting For Their Reputations.

They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.

Because The Truth

Will Destroy Their Profession

And Consequently Their Reputations.

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There are lots of protocols to get rid of the spike protein - google dr bryan ardiss - and lots of other holistic doctors such as dr malone - anna milcea etc hydroxyquinone


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