I personally can't believe those that pushed this poison on humanity have not been arrested.

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They are still pushing their needles, and still claiming that the jabs keep people out of hospitals. They will lie until they are silenced; but don't hold your breath for that to happen.

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Safe for the manufacturers, effective for the eugenicists.

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Sep 17Edited


Anyone still claiming some vaccines are good after all that's been exposed is either a complete fool or a liar.

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There is not one vaccine out there that is better then whatever ailment it supposedly prevents. Not one. Heard that from Steve Kirsch just this morning. I believe him.

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So to get treated she had to first agree to be poisoned, wow what a satanic medical system. The entire western medical system is a death cult, hell bent on injuring, poisoning, maiming and killing as many people as possible. It’s a psycho circus out there folks.

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There's nothing greater for evidence of just how demonic and satanic of a world we live in.

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normmies will NEVER accept this as real! Cognitive dissonance is a fact!

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I hope she will be okay.

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Please help those who have been injected with these so-called vaccines. These are biological weapons composed of two elements. Injections and radio wave attack. All those who have been injected should do everything possible to avoid radio waves of whatever frequency and origin. Especially from cell phones and wireless routers that are in most homes. Please read and pass on this book for more information: https://disk.yandex.com/i/n36M3G1LLMXJsw

Thank you very much!

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Until you realize the Anglo-American Empire is dying before our eyes, you will continue to think people who do this will be brought to justice, not so. Every Empire which has died in our past, their society breaks down into eventually, what we are witnessing today, chaos.

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Oh my god, poor woman. 😞🤬

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I doubt anyone in politics or medicine will be held accountable for the vaxx. The people above them are even more twisted. It's an inverted structure

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O Holy Father, Heavenly physician of our souls and bodies, who has sent thine only begotten son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal all our infirmities and deliver us from death. Do thou thyself visit and heal thy servant, Alexis Lorenze, that she may do thy will and bless thy Holy name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen 🙏 ☦️🙏

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How sad!

From now on, she should start monitoring her blood and the eventual blood clots…

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God bless this poor girl.🙏🙏🇨🇦💯

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