Good to hear that someone is taking a stand against people being offered MAiD. Healthcare providers are not supposed to be offering it but so many do.

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I wonder how many law suits the federal government is facing these days?

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Wow! Our country is halfway down the broad, slippery slope to Hell already!!!’ Yikes!! I hope he nails them for millions and gets somebody fired for their incompetence!!! 😡

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While I wholeheartedly agree with your post, never underestimate the scumbaggery and activism of the Canadain judicial system. It would seem the rule of law, and even the Charter go out the window in this new "woke" world.

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Your probably correct! Our country is so pathetic on so many ways. I’m going to go out and plant potatoes now. At least that still is legal and brings some simple satisfaction!!! 😊

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That’s atrocious. I hope he wins.

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Tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for government evil wrong doings

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Jeez! I wonder how many people who suffer from mental health issues, brought on by the criminal behaviour of Canadian institutions, have had the offer of MAID? Seems like the powers that be aren't satisfied with the current de-pop plan, trying to speed things up I suppose. Hoping this young man gets his day in court!

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This is by far one of the most disgusting aspects of our current government. Don’t think for a minute this is a partisan attempt to legally kill someone. This is every sitting member of parliament onboard with this kind of twisted ideology. Our government and all sitting members of parliament would solve a persons issues by taking a life. Hundreds of millions are sent to Ukraine to enable the slaughter of young Ukrainians while the military in Canada is gutted and killed. Ask yourself why Canada cannot pay their share to NATO but hundreds of millions are sent to one country, Ukraine? Every party supports sending them money. Why? Our military is supposed to have at least 150,000 members. In 2019, did we have less than 65,000 including reservists? Since the new tampon in every men’s bathroom rule, do we have even 21,000 troops which include reservists? Can we scramble more than 3 jets to protect Canada in a crisis? Why have we canceled our efforts abroad this year? Is it because Canada has absolutely no way of defending herself? Thank the 338 overpaid MP’s providing you with sound bites to keep you gaslit!! Wake up people, we have a rogue government feeding at the trough to fund. Facts matter.

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We’ll, our useful idiot fellow countrymen still keep voting for these pathetic losers running our country. I just sigh whenever I hear someone go on about how bad this or that maligned conservative politician is when they get the news 100% from the lamestream media. They have zero clue and will end their deluded days believing in their safe and effective narratives. Sad end to our country that was forged by much tougher men & women 50 - 200 years ago.

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Sue individuals…..of the government in question….why should the government have to pay….aka tax payers.

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May 24·edited May 24

Put on the uniform before you whine about taxes. Unfortunately these individuals cannot afford the shit shows they create.

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The ones who started this shit show have offshore accounts loaded with hidden money…..wake up instead of being woke up.

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Work hard ,pay taxes before you give the taxes away.

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May 23·edited May 23

"Your enemy didn't kill you, so Trudeau's government will make sure to kill you."

I would argue that this criminal intent is equivalent to sabotage over our military, planned and executed by foreign power agents, and I would sue all responsible John Does for treason.

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May 25·edited May 25

He seems to have been harassed into mental illness, before, during and after his Court Marshall. These details are a large chunk missing from the whole scenario.

As for MAID, many are dying, and those who ushered suicide in are still in power, with not much of a backlash. Maybe Canadians support MAID, just like many gave the thumbs-up to all the lockdown abuse and murder.

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Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud 💜💜💜

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Watch. Can you just imagine the terror of "changing your mind" at the end?


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Unfortunately, I’m sure a lot more Canadians are not offered a choice - esp if they are incapacitated or alone in certain ‘facilities’

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