Praying for her. I heard she didn't have medical insurance.

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Here's the main link for a fundraiser started by VSRF https://givebutter.com/savealexis

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There's no “pneumonia vaccine”!! WTF??

P.S. There's no “flu vaccine”, it's always been called an “annual flu shot”, pre-2020.

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Has anyone asked her if she had the covid shots?

Because her condition that she went to hospital for may have been caused by the covid shots.


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Can confim she has not had the covid-19 vaccines. The father also confirms in the video.

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Why even go to Death Camp California?

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Before breaking out the torches and pitchforks, I’d say that there is a ton of info missing. She had a transfusion initially, and then vaccines. And who knows what else, but definitely more treatments.

There is wayyyy too much missing information to make any sort of informed opinion about the cause of this.

Also, there was mention that a treatment for her condition, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria, is monoclonal anti-bodies and that the vaccines were needed for that.

Just my 2 cents worth of opinion

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It’s never the fault of the vaccine. Says the narcissistic sociopath “doctor”.

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