All this because he dared to take a stand against an Evil Tyrannical Trudeau Gov’t….I can’t wait for the REAL JUDGEMENT from the REAL JUDGE to come upon the ones who allowed this court case and verdict’s to happen….GOD IS WATCHING!!!!!

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Terrible news. I am so thankful for the trucking convoy. They definitely got the mandates lifted quicker than what was planned.

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They never isolated the Covid 19 “virus” as it was all a hoax . The mandates were based on a lie and are illegal . It is part of the WEF agenda for world wide communism

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unconscionable! it's obvious the judges in Canada have failed us. politicians have failed us. the police have failed us... the only solution is the military... see what happens...

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Our military has been trashed by the socialists in power.

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Trudeau is the real criminal.

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What a corrupt system we are living in Trudeau has done horrendous things to these people and he walks away laughing. Pat should be free.

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The lawfare will continue for years yet. Anyone with a high profile presence at the Ottawa or Coutts protest will be made an example of, this is what happens if you stand up to a dictatorial, authoritarian & tyrannical government! We must continue to support the brave souls who stood against the evil regime in whatever way we can.

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Pat was demonized made a scape goat :( He and Tamara Lich were protesting about the Coronavirus clampdown on us all destroying small businesses blocking us all from normal life! :(

God will avenge on His terms and glad both Lich&King have their freedoms.

We mustn’t forget the treatment by Federal Justin Trudeau&cronies!!!

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The truckers were the catalyst that brought together hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Canadians from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, clergy men ( and women), etc. The highlight for me was a speech given by Brian Peckford, former premier of Newfoundland, and sole surviving signatory to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. At age 79, he traveled across the country from his residence in BC to Parliament Hill in order speak on the back of a flatbed trailer on a bitterly cold Saturday. The mandates prevented him from traveling by air or rail, but regime media in Canada never mention this.

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In Canada , a Crown Prosecutor used these words to me “it’s only his first rape”. This says much about Canada’s lack of sanctions Justice for offenders. If you stab someone, you may not even be charged (so long as the prosecutor sees you as a member of certain groups). But horn honking, defiance of lord Justine, well that’s different.

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Trudeau is a child seeking revenge. Pat King did NOTHING wrong.

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Wow, Look at what is going on in the main streets of our major cities.

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Like the rioting and smashing glass at the Palais des Congres in Montreal last night, all protesters with concealed identity.

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Ironic, on the same day as Pat King was found guilty of mischief.

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The whole pandemic was a lie the mandates were illegal the shots which are not vaccines killed and injured millions in North America alone every politician every judge every policeman every doctor that participated in this murdering plandemic should be shot and buried in a common pit with a tomb stone on top reading Hear lies Satans imps

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Fascists Canada (Trudeau) is not an understatement. The German Nazi did not experiment on their own people, as Trudeau did> The jab mandated for the truckers , nurses, doctors and when they refused they lost their job. In the King County Washington, 95% "vaccinated" and now over 1200% increase in heart attacks compared to before 2020 rates. This is the largest crime against humanity ever.

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All the while troo doo smurks while committing Canadian manslaughter.

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Pat King, unfortunately you are being made an example of.

All I can say is I don’t envy these evil doers when they meet their maker!

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