Drip, drip , drip comes the TRUTH.

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We called covid a huge lie and were accused of being un caring stupid ignorant and a menace to society. We were right, we called it propaganda and we were right, we called them commies and marxist,s and we were right. We said Invermectin would or could cure covid and we were right.

Now the truth comes out and it is overwhelming and it is not just in Ohio it is and has been confirmed world wide as a huge money making scam for big pharma.

Now billion$ suits against big pharma worldwide I hope it bankrupts all the rich billionairs

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Funny how these papers find the light of day. No benefit what so ever, in fact worse outcomes for the vaccinated, but they don’t just conclude the shot was a disaster, instead they theorize excuses for the poor results like the people getting vaccines are less healthier thus the higher mortality rate than the unvaccinated.

We changed the world forever over this, one day it will be common knowledge that Covid was a banking maneuver masquerading as a public health emergency.

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Oops 😬… October surprise early since the Trump trial is working in his favor.

The side effect bombs will be rolled out quickly on large scale 😬

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deletedJun 3
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Why you laughing… it’s plain as day ..

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deletedJun 3
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Me 2 .. & cry 😢

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