Hospitals and doctors did this to themselves

Silence of medical malpractice will not be


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Health bureaucrats and politicians with the power to decertify dissenting doctors are the real beasts. Go after the head of the snake!

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for those that had eyes to see, and ears to hear, now understand that public institutions and media, just regurgitate what they told too. The lies are obvious and have been laid bare for all with any level of independent thought, to see. Still way too many sheep left

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Never trusted the over paid dope dealers before the pandemic , don't think I could trust them less now , it's just not possible.

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It’s common knowledge that Hospitals made money from killing Covid patients The Government gave massive financial incentives millions were refused antibiotics deliberately as it’s been proven worldwide Post Mortums outcomes that many so called Covid deaths were actually bacterial infections pneumonia

If you get pneumonia and are not treated with antibiotics you are most likely to die That’s common knowledge And worst of all Doctors Nurses Care workers were told not to say anything about vaccine deaths or injuries otherwise they would lose their license and that came from USA Fauci WHO & Governments The few Doctors that did stand up and tell the truth had their licenses stripped away by these corrupt institutions that were financed by WEF Globalists Bill and Melinda Big Pharmaceuticals

There is more profit in illness and death than in good health and natural healing

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I'll just add that denial of early treatment protocols involving HCQ and IVM including the persecution of doctors who in good conscience followed them and reported good results were likely responsible for more deaths than any other factor, including untreated pneumonia. The all out war on those two drugs was like nothing ever seen before and constitutes the largest crime of the entire assault on humanity, surpassed only by the later introduction of deadly experimental "vaccines" which were entirely unnecessary had sound medical practices been followed.

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I would argue that the medical profession in most western nations, Canada included, operates like the military. The military has their own legal code, code of conduct and chain of command where following orders is the prime directive, and challenges to those orders, even when clearly immoral, can lead to extremely negative results for all parties. Thus they are to be avoided at all costs, since reputation in the military rises above all considerations, including justice.

Art often imitates life, and the parallels here are striking. If you haven't seen this film I highly recommend it.


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So the only way to make people go back to allopathic care is to completely ban alternative care...

good grief it just goes deeper underground, they can't stop a current.

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If the same study was conducted in Canada I'm sure the results would be similar, although perhaps the higher level of distrust would apply to the politicians, PHO's and much of the mainstream media who all lied about so many things with respect to so many aspects of the Covid 19 response.

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My trust in our institutions is at an all time low. I’m shot injured but told it was safe and effective but both are lies. I feel all of our health agencies are corrupted by pharmaceutical companies.

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They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action & Raise Public Awareness at 



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No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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What we really need in the worst way are tests. Labs need to be set up to test people for these shots integrating into our genome stem cells. We need to fight for them.

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Americans aren't sheep. We don't believe everything the government says. I know what faith Canadians put in OHIP. When they go to Florida, they notify OHIP before seeking God's blessing.

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Trump says a lot of things. Like they used to say in the Soviet Union, he likes to think big thoughts.

Here's some of them:


Referring to Gaza:

“You had a horrible invasion that took place that would have never happened if I was president.”

Referring to Ukraine (if he were president):

“That should never have happened. Likewise, Russia would never have attacked Ukraine," he said.

and this: "Just days after Hamas attacked Israel, Trump, in a video posted from his Mar-a-Lago estate here, declared: “I kept Israel safe. Nobody else will. Nobody else can. And I know all of the players — they can’t do it.”"

I guess you have to ask yourself (at least I do) why it's a US president's job to 'keep Israel safe."

RFK is in the same boat as Trump BTW. There are no saviours, at least not at the level of US politics. They all owe their allegiance to Israel, not America.

Of course if you think Israel is worth saving and they can't do it by themselves then I guess Trump's your man. Not that you'd see much difference with a democratic congress but at least half of them stayed home for Netanyahu's recent address to Congress, while only a single Republican decided to bow out. 50 plus standing ovations for the war criminal BTW. What does that tell you?

Meanwhile, here's the real cost of the war in Gaza being promoted and supported by both parties in the US Congress.


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So why are you commenting here on an unrelated topic? Go away. Antisemitism doesn’t look good on anyone.

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I wasn't talking to you, I was replying to what Vicki posted, and who the hell are you to tell me to go away? The hall monitor? This is Substack, and as long as they support free speech I'll freely speak my mind.

As for "antisemitism" the original Semitic people are the Palestinian Muslims Jews and Christians, not the European Zionist led Jews who invaded their land (with British assistance) after WWII and are now committing genocide against them.

That's not me talking, that the International Criminal Court that just indicted Netanyahu & co, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Here's the death toll so far. You OK with that? Incidentally, some of the people buried under the rubble are Christians. How does that make you feel?


How about Rabbi Weiss? Is he "antisemitic?"


You need to educate yourself about the difference between Judaism and Zionism before you accuse someone of "antisemitism" simply for posting the truth.

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Well said!!!

I am SICK TO DEATH of the "antisemitic" EXCUSE to justify Isreali government doing whatever they want to further their own agenda... whatever it may be!!

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Here's some irony for you. I got hit with that antisemitic label just as I was putting the finishing touches on a program of Sephardic music, and just shortly after a previous program where I criticize Iran for its treatment of minority sects! I wonder, does that make me Islamophobic? That would also be ironic since I feature an awful lot of Muslim music on my substack.

Here's the program. Just finished it today.


Here's a more extensive interview with Rabbi Weiss where he explains the fundamental difference between a nation and a religion:


Note to Dianne Skagen McBeth if you're reading this. You're on Substack where many commenters have their own pages. It's probably not a bad idea to look at what they're doing and how they represent themselves before casting aspersions on their character.

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