Introduced by Wikispooks Minister Champagne (https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois-Philippe_Champagne).

It appears to be illegal, as health is a PROVINCIAL issue in Canada.

This new organisation appears to be in alignment with the very egregious Bill C-293, An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness, https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/44-1/c-293

related video: Medical Tyranny Returns to Canada: Bill C-293 | Lisa Miron


Push back folks, do not comply.

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Why isn't Mr Poilievre talking about this?

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Because he is controlled too. He is on board with the C19 shots, the war in Ukraine, the Climate Scam. Any questions?

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Agree, mine was a rhetorical question.

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That's what I thought, but I just wanted to outline some of PP's hypocrises.

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Gotta love it when someone is aware Pierre is all for lockdowns for Palestinians and cutting their food supply as well. Almost the entire world thinks they should have their own state. 140 member states already recognize Palestine as a state. The UN Gen Assembly and in the UN Security Council is say what they are doing is illegal and is war crimes never mind is a threat to world peace. Professor Jeffery Sachs.

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Sep 26
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Did he just not say they could not attend meetings. Not that meetings matter since the UN has incorporated WEF policies into Agenda2030. You do not need to attend any meetings at all. Check it out on the WEF site it is now part of Agenda2030 that the Cons lol signed us up for lol

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The Alberta Bill of Rights will be worthless in Bill C-293 makes Royal Assent. Doesn anybody know if this Bill was written by the Communist Chinese for Liberal MP ERskine-Smith from the GTA? Is Smith one of the Traitors working for the CCP?

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Totally agree, Karen. Poilievre is all in on Ukraine, Israel, the WEF, vaccines, everything I’m against. He is not getting my vote. Max is.

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No one is more WEF than Zelensky is and we know Pierre Supports what he is doing. He has destroyed his own country for his One World Order. Ukraine used to have about 40 million people now they are down to 19 million or so. Their economy is in the pits and they have lots dead and permanently injured. Just unreal what a mess one man can make and be supported doing it

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The Alberta Bill of Rights will be worthless in Bill C-293 makes Royal Assent. Doesn anybody know if this Bill was written by the Communist Chinese for Liberal MP ERskine-Smith from the GTA? Is Smith one of the Traitors working for the CCP?

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Poilievre is not our Saviour, matter of fact no one is. We all must stand together and resist this invasion of our sovereign rights and say NO to the globalists agenda.

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He's very narrow and cowardly on such topics, a puppet of his Zionist puppeteers.

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The Alberta Bill of Rights will be worthless in Bill C-293 makes Royal Assent. Doesn anybody know if this Bill was written by the Communist Chinese for Liberal MP ERskine-Smith from the GTA? Is Smith one of the Traitors working for the CCP?

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The protest of no more should be loud and clear. Canadians should not comply. They have lied about covid. They lied about vaccines that the population never needed. They lied about UN, W.H.O. and WEF policies in Canadian bills. Canadians say no to Bill C-293, the Pact of the Future and Agenda 2030.

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Yeah well fuck them, I will not live under communism, I don't care if I have to leave this shit hole country to escape it. Im 72 years old, I can't believe we let this shit happen, the slippery slope, we were asleep thru most of our lives and now look where we are. Im not going to comply, PERIOD!Q!! They can take their bioweapon injections and give them all to their families. Im pissed, I sure hope Pierre doesn't turn out to be another wet noodle and gutless, he better put a damn stop to this.

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Pierre is a shill too. He won't do a damned thing to stop it unfortunately. No one is coming to save us.

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Yes, agree - have not heard a peep out of PP regarding Bill C293 either. Perhaps he will axe the consumer carbon tax, build some homes, etc., etc., but unless he's going to rescind the egregious bills the Lieberals are trying to push, to control and silence Canadians, he's one and the same!!

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Well said Maureen. I think that is exactly how he will play it.

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I’m seeing the light now - Poilievre goes for the low-hanging fruit issues like housing, taxes, esp the carbon tax, inflation. Basically the “well. Duh…” issues. I’ve heard crickets about the globalists, pandemics, health crises. Just might have to shake this sad popsicle stand before it collapses.

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I agree and it is a sad realization but once you see how deeply corrupted everything is...you can't unsee it. Voting feels asinine.

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François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, seems to be implicated in the current Liberal Green Slush Fund boondoggle, according to a whistleblower at the ongoing inquiry.

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Sep 26
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Good catch, I forgot about that.

It's so hard to keep track of the corruption with these crooks.

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More bureaucracy to enslave humanity. We need to get rid of these tyrants, and make sure they never come back.

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Just hammering through all of their pre-ordained plans without regard for we the people 🤬👹

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I would apply for a job there, just to sabotage from within, but I’m white, male, cisgender, and heterosexual, so what chance would I have?

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Simple, declare yourself a new gender, and include an indecipherable pronoun in your email signature.

Bonus points if you are already married to a female. You could then declare yourself "a lesbian female with a penis". 😀

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... and, like "the artist formerly known as Prince", start spelling my name with one or more unpronounceable symbols, claiming that it reflects the translation of my ancestral spoken language into a written form.

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Hmm. "Quietly announce." -- always worrisome.

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I, agree.

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It's really the repackaged WHO Pandemic Treaty bullshit...NWO...Centralized mobilization and you can bet enforcement for non compliers. This is creepy af.

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How will this agency interact with Health Canada and PHAC? Another layer of bureaucracy will add to more confusion and incompetence.

Other than that, the medical technocrat has officially arrived.

No good can come of this. Expect the end of civil liberties and start of medical tyranny.

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The bureaucracy in this case is unfortunately the World Health Organization.

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All planned well in advance but now going forward after the Pact For The Future Assembly at the U.N..

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Yep, it's all related!

These medical marching orders that our VERY CORRUPT Liberal Government wish to implement stem from the UN/WHO:

- UN Global Digital Compact pushes digital ID for all, disinformation crackdowns to advance Agenda 2030


- ReclaimTheNet.org - UN Pushes for Global Control With New Pact: Digital IDs, Censorship, and Surveillance at the Core


- video: UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman




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It is bad legislation. It got through to the senate because the NDP propped it up. You would think the Lib's have a majority

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Hahaha they do 😹

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Can we somehow get rid of these parasites? More graft. And what became of the vax manufacturing plants that $100m of our money was given to? Is there no accountability in this country? Money shovelled out the door to Ukraine. Rampant corruption and all that PP seems to be able to say is axe the tax. We need to axe the government.

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As climate change turns from scary gorria to a waking mind. In drops the the word "pandemic" to fight it out with "health emergency" and "pandemic preparedness". It looks they want to know which word phrase produces the most obeying fear. Looping back alive climate change to mate with pandemic to have minds in 24/7 panic.

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Such disinformation you spout.

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What a bunch of CRIMINAL BS

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I personally believe that this next election is all about a Bait and Switch. If Conservative’s win that is what it will be…

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The cons will

Take us back to the 1800’s. There will be no freedom. He’s so full of shit. Mini maga Mike Moses PP

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