Here's a website that explains all the reasons for TFR, Temporary Flight Restrictions, which is noted on the notice that was posted. If this is right where Joe lives, flights are restricted for some reason. Are they grounding Joe so he doesn't escape or wander off? Is he being relieved of presidential duties? I sent this info off to Monkey Werx on You Tube, he does videos on flights in U.S., was in military working in aviation flight paths, etc. I figure he will know. I'll be watching his space for any videos he might post or if he responds to me; either way if I find out anything, I'll post it here. This might not be important but then again it may well be.

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Good grief. Park those giant jets already. They cause climate change and have you checked the price of jet fuel recently?

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Honest Bill, I'm NOT following you! lol - but we seem to follow the same folks - anyway, see my post just above yours for info.

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We're bouncing around to the same sites. That's pretty smart to look at the FFA flight info.

I've got a story I need to finish. I can't decide if it's worth posting or not. While I pray over this, I'm doing some Substack ... "research!"

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Why do you think this is happening?

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As I said in my post - I'm not sure what's happening but it may well be that something huge is going down with Biden. He hasn't been seen since last Wed., almost a week ago. He signed 2 papers but neither are on his presidential stationery, they're on blank pages and his signature was not his writing. Things that make you go hmmm...

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UPDATE: Some of you may remember awhile back, maybe 6 months ago when Obamas were found to be paddle boarding with their chef - who drowned and it was suspected but not proven that the Obamas caused his drowning? Turns out the chef was the one who prepared human meat for Barack & Michelle and he was about to tell the world about it so he was "disappeared". Well, I just found the same flight info that was posted earlier on this article, now on Twitter on Q the Storm's page. Biden was last seen near a lake with Obama and all VIP flights to the area have been cancelled - last I heard that was in force until 6:00 Delaware time, which was earlier this evening. I'm not saying this is what happened but this was what I found on Q the Storm page on Twitter. Q the Storm posted it. I suspect more high strangeness will be coming out in days to come so fasten your seatbelts folks. If anyone here has any questions or can add to this info, just post below and I will respond.

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I think he is dead or has gone into complete breakdown. Gone gaga, had a massive stroke etc. They are weighing their options now.

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Just saw a part of her interview where she said she is going to Delaware. I think she said something about going to the party office? That’s not a secret.

It would be nice if she was meeting Biden and he resigns and she is immediately sworn in.

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