Correction though. The population was mass experimented on through coercion, lying, and mandates.

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If people weren’t weak-minded cowards, the mandates wouldn’t have flown. I stood alone, unwilling to capitulate, surrounded by sheep with every excuse imaginable to not fight back.

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I, agree with your statement. Just a thought, the people and organizations involved want harm. It could was likely known the inoculations would cause harm.

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I’m in court right now being represented by Eva Chipiuk. We just asked that all the blacked out information be released! As it pertains to my vax injury case. We will see what happens next. Follow me for updates

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May I ask and I realize this is personal. What was your vaccination injury? I’m not here to fight with you- I’m not even going to comment on it. I just haven’t heard of anyone (outside of a few unnamed people noted in journals) who’ve had vaccine side effects that weren’t considered outside the norm for almost all vaccines.

I am very, very sick for about 24 hours every time I receive the Covid vaccine, but I have severe heart disease and respiratory diseases can send me into heart failure (which would leave me on the transplant list) so I get the vaccine. Even the 30% effective rate is better than nothing for me. Feeling nauseated after a vaccination isn’t a true vaccine reaction. It’s just something that can happen so I don’t report it.

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No. WE were the experiment

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Of course it was not known the side effects it was a fucking experiment that they hoped would kill and injure multiple people. How can you know the long term effects when it has not been around for years. Not only that, it failed for years.

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Link isn’t working. FB censorship

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Try it now. Should be fixed.

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Can you fix the link reference to the file?

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Try it now. Should be fixed.

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This is not some big gotcha. This is a legal disclaimer of almost ALL medications, vaccines, and biologics.

You need to be more concerned about the long term side of effects of Covid itself.

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Evil knew EXACEXACTLY what it was doing,,,thus the no liability..CALL IT WHAT IT WAS. PLANDEMIC. FACT

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