She was a part of the problem . These "trusted" public health expects are idiots and drug dealers . No sadness here for people who did this to humanity in anyway !

Proud anti covid vaxer here , and I was not wrong about it !!!!!!!!!!

I have a screenshot from the gc.ca showing trudeau looking for supplies to help Canada's response to covid-19 , the thing is , it's dated 2016 !!!! Sure sure , no conspiracy at all ! They can all join this one in hell !

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On the one hand I agree with you and feel such people got what they deserved. The real problem is that which is left behind…a large swath of destruction that continues to today. The even weirder thing is that the people who promoted the Jab will not pause and reflect. Rather they’ll most likely double down. Coming full circle one should pray for the deceased’s soul. Pax

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Agreed - prayer and compassion are what's needed - as violence only attracts more, peace and life crush death.

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Sounds like you've already forgotten how horrible it all was. She can rot in whatever hell she believes in.

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When what yt suppressed was going around, now comes around.

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She had a genuinely held belief, misguided for sure, but like many here in Canada have as well. I believe the Soviet term is "useful idiot". That 5 kids no longer have a Mother is enough for me to have compassion for the family.

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No compassion for those who were actively involved in ruining lives and destroying your fundamental freedoms.

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But I can for children who lose their Mom's. Mine is gone and it was the hardest loss I've ever endured.

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We don't know that belief was genuine. She was likely pushing an agenda.

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You can do both simultaneously. It's not a binary option. For example, I live in Canada and the CMO here ended up with bells palsy, a known side effect of the jab (which they tried to hide from the public). If anyone should be in on the game, it would be a CMO wouldn't you think?

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Is all cause mortality still exceeding pre-jab levels? I recall medical/scientific concerns over increased risk of cancer due to jabs, but these concerns were censored by youtube et al...

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A higher power is punishing all those that knowingly pushed the "safe & effective" bioweapons. Do an "Early Life" check... these people are pure evil.

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Very sad for this family…..She was a part of the W.E.F. Agenda for sure….still very sad when anyone passes away….

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"vaccine" damaged immune system? or the "karma" from suppressing Freedom of Speech?

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I can certainly accept she was a deep state operative,. Being a deep state operative is no protection from the narcissistic psychopaths of the "elite" level of the deep sate, Does anyone real think the elite deepsate has any hesitation when it comes to disposing of their useful idiots that have out lived their usefulness. Would not surprise me if a number of operatives of her level begin to die off rapidly now

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Poetic, divine justice. A person like this did not care if I lost my career, if I lost everything. Good riddance. The being-nice days died with COVID-19.

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Agreed. Fuggem'. They can rot in h3ll.

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I hope you getsavor your crime against humanity wherever you now are.

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Good riddance.

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Not sad about her exit. She probably took the poison she pushed.

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Karma at work here?

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Certainly she took all the vaccinations, knowing full well that death would be less likely if she did so...

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Correct. Sad to say, but everything happens for a reason. Sad she did not understand better - just what she was doing to innocent, helpless, human beings. Listening to her speak is scary. Authoritive .... trusted information ......

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