Records obtained by The Canadian Independent through an access to information request reveal no increase in sudden or unexpected deaths among Ontario children aged 0 to 17 following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.
So doesn't address deaths where EMTs / ER docs didn't call the police? Got it. RIP a teenage family member who "suddenly stopped swimming" in a calm lake and drowned. Yep, jabbed.
Great catch Ruth - exactly. How much never gets reported? It's still good that we have this report - so we can see how the other side would argue their point.
Lies. damned lies, and statistics. Amazing how Ontario managed to dodge the deadly injections—just like Ontario is warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. Non-elected bureaucrats circling the wagons to cover their asses and those who control the purse strings. We have mountains of epidemiologic and embalmer data from all over the world that proves conclusively these people are blatant liars. This is not going to go away ...
Better to look at overall all cause mortality to see if that has increased since the rollout. Looking only at "sudden or unexpected" deaths will dramatically reduce the data set, disallowing trends that would be seen in all cause mortality to come through.
I know what everyone that watches this is awake but try to get the vaccine people to wake the phuck up snd they just can’t grasp reality or just don’t care and are not interested?
A rather silly analysis, since the data includes deaths by accident, suicide, homicide and an amorphous "undetermined". The only useful data would be deaths classified as "natural". It should also be noted the data for deaths < 1 y/o exclude stillbirths, which have been the subject of considerable concern as a potential "side effect" of the MRNA spike jabs.
John O'Looney, funeral home operator in Milton Keynes, England, posted yesterday that many sudden deaths (not necessarily children) are not being reported to the coroner there by police. Just another data point to consider.
Trudeau and his fellow health authority Marxists control all narratives. If you don’t believe me, please read FISMAN’S FRAUDE; THE RISING HATE SCIENCE IN CANADA. By R.N. Watteel PhD Statistics. This revealing book, like all truths, is mostly ignored here. (
Liars. They keep redefining words. When they wanted to hide the death of children of vaxxed mothers' babies, they redefined children into 4 categories, 0-3 months, 4-6 months, 7-9 months and post-birth deaths, to spread the numbers out. Then, they discounted any deaths 14 days after the mothers injection because they were technically not legally vaccinated. Sounds legit to you or a cover up?
Just another bought and paid for WHO organization regurgitating the vomit-filled words that have been spoken to us for four years
Fucking liers
Change it to phucking or the speach police will come for you
So doesn't address deaths where EMTs / ER docs didn't call the police? Got it. RIP a teenage family member who "suddenly stopped swimming" in a calm lake and drowned. Yep, jabbed.
Great catch Ruth - exactly. How much never gets reported? It's still good that we have this report - so we can see how the other side would argue their point.
Lies. damned lies, and statistics. Amazing how Ontario managed to dodge the deadly injections—just like Ontario is warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. Non-elected bureaucrats circling the wagons to cover their asses and those who control the purse strings. We have mountains of epidemiologic and embalmer data from all over the world that proves conclusively these people are blatant liars. This is not going to go away ...
The ice is so warm on my driveway - it's not melting!
Better to look at overall all cause mortality to see if that has increased since the rollout. Looking only at "sudden or unexpected" deaths will dramatically reduce the data set, disallowing trends that would be seen in all cause mortality to come through.
I know what everyone that watches this is awake but try to get the vaccine people to wake the phuck up snd they just can’t grasp reality or just don’t care and are not interested?
A rather silly analysis, since the data includes deaths by accident, suicide, homicide and an amorphous "undetermined". The only useful data would be deaths classified as "natural". It should also be noted the data for deaths < 1 y/o exclude stillbirths, which have been the subject of considerable concern as a potential "side effect" of the MRNA spike jabs.
Good news, if true.
John O'Looney, funeral home operator in Milton Keynes, England, posted yesterday that many sudden deaths (not necessarily children) are not being reported to the coroner there by police. Just another data point to consider.
Thanks for this!
What a load of BS who was the author of this
Trudeau and his fellow health authority Marxists control all narratives. If you don’t believe me, please read FISMAN’S FRAUDE; THE RISING HATE SCIENCE IN CANADA. By R.N. Watteel PhD Statistics. This revealing book, like all truths, is mostly ignored here. (
Uh-huh ... show us the product sheet and what's in it.
"Records of deaths involving individuals aged 0 to 17 where a coroner was notified by police,"
This should be in the headline.
Deaths in a hospital after sudden illness is not counted in the records.
Please correct before this article is used as justification that mRNA is safe in children.
This is known to be a lie. How can this be? Freedom of Information act has been compromised then!
Liars. They keep redefining words. When they wanted to hide the death of children of vaxxed mothers' babies, they redefined children into 4 categories, 0-3 months, 4-6 months, 7-9 months and post-birth deaths, to spread the numbers out. Then, they discounted any deaths 14 days after the mothers injection because they were technically not legally vaccinated. Sounds legit to you or a cover up?
Trudeau and his fellow liberal miscreants control all the reports and information fed to us. I find no reason to believe any of it.
Hiding the evidence…bought communist liberal oligarchs