Wow. Fowchie setting the record for lying through his teeth.

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He gets paid the most as a public servant to do so!!!

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

this came from gov.gc.ca , screenshot it personally . Played a huge impact on my not getting jabbed or buying into any of this plandemic . https://ibb.co/wd5v78N

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Can you explain the screenshot?

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It's an unaltered screenshot from the govt of Canada website in 2020 after I read it mentioned on reddit . When I checked out what I read , I found this and a few others, screenshot them and here we are. It was changed shortly after and now deleted as the site has been totally reformatted .

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Ok. The title says xray machines. That is what I wasn’t connecting.

I saw a screen shot at the beginning of 2020 that showed medical supplies ie perhaps covid kits etc being ordered prior to 2020. Thank you for responding.

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No prob on the response . I wish I had a better explanation but , there's no explaining what this gov't does anymore . I was quite shocked when I saw it tbh , it really made a huge difference in our decision to not get the jab , and one we live to be proud of .

Did you happen to save that screenshot ? I would love to see it if possible as I am certain it no longer exists .

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Good for you both for not getting them.

I did at the last minute to be able to work… the mandate was lifted 5 months later. I wish I hadn’t…. however…my mom became very ill and I was the only child that was able to see her in the hospital due to having the shots. I prayed and drew a line in the sand. The pressure and passive aggressive abuse in the workplace was ridiculous. No critical thinking by people who should.

Regarding the screenshot, I looked back and could not find it. I believe it was a government website as well…where you could look up and see things the government had ordered and according to the dates it was before March 2020 (we know they knew).

I’m beginning to think there’s more people that have put things together than our government would like us to know . I hope so.

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In other words they f**ked up when they admitted it looked engineered…..someone with a higher pay grade ummmmmmm 🤔 corrected them….

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Liar liar your pants will be on fire as you master awaits you in the bowels of hell

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My had the testmony on in the office today listening

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Feces said “ it never came from a lab” way back when….oh and one jab would protect and no jabs for kids…That all changed quickly….more money made if the kids and infants also got the poison….. downsize the population quicker too…..then they pushed the jabbed sheep to attack the unjabbed that if the the unjabbed didn’t get the jab…the jabbed wouldn’t be protected…..make up your Friggen mind…one jab turned into 6. So far.

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There was/is no virus.

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Wow. So.... Wuhan Institute of Virology. Hmmm. Good Doct-or, what does that institute study? American football, perhaps?

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RemovedJun 3
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Actually viruses very much do exist. Fauci is a virus that is extremely lethal. Requires a Cat 5 biohazard level of protection. Get your facts straight.

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I'm liking what Tom Cowan has to say.

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