Maybe the Conservatives can start Anti-Trust Sabre rattling at the Communications Cartel parent corporations that own the Legacy Media Assets that continually propagandize and censor for the Trudeau Government.

Maybe it shouldn’t just be the CBC’s fate that is on the block.

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FANTASTIC!!! Maybe Canadians eyes are opening and mind’s understanding

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I lost faith in the CBC when they cancelled Dave Wisdom's 'Night Lines' back in 1997. I hung around until 'Brave New Waves' was cancelled in 2007, and gave up entirely after that. Now they're just the propaganda arm of the Neo-Liberal Nazi sympathizers. Pierre Burton is spinning in his grave.

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Good ... Watchdogs not Media outlets.

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Of all the government waste, the Communist Broadcasting Corp is the top of the heap.

Its the basis of Chinada. A 1-tune mass media is the rock that paves the road to tyranny.

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JT will definitely give them more $$ now.

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Sep 26, 2023
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I don't hold much hope for our so-called conservative party. All but one turned up to applaud green t-shirt guy. That right there tells you all you need to know about them.

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Sep 27, 2023Edited
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I'm not sure technocracy really captures it. Technology has brought us some true wonders, despite the best efforts of the ruling class to deny them to us. Someone coined the term Kleptocracy, which is fairly accurate, since they're all a pack of thieves. Do they even have an ideology I wonder, or is just whatever I can get for myself and screw the consequences? Whatever they are, they're clearly psychopathic, and psychopaths always overreach, which I suppose is reason for cautious optimism. I guess we'll find out soon enough, because it looks like their game is almost over. What comes next is the big question.

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