Canadians are not buying his bullshit so he is trying to sell it at the UN…..what a pathetic excuse for a PM.

Election now and STFU

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Pass me a bucket quick!!! 🤢

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I feel the same. Wasn’t feeling nauseated till I listened to that!

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My thoughts exactly. Literally he makes me want to throw up

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What a liar. 🤥 as if the world doesn’t know he’s the most hated pm ever in CANADA. Maybe he censors Canadians on the internet but the rest of the world can see and knows that a creep, liar and fascist he is

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He is willingly blind or just stupid - either way the most despised PM ever and THE reason Canadians fear for their country.

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He's compromised and belongs to foreign powers. His "sunny ways" are burning canada to a crisp. Shame on anyone who votes liberal or ndp these days. Both are captured by foreign powers.

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We’re worried about him destroying it!

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When does what he says and does become criminal?

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9 years of this imbecile “ stepping up” is really tired. What a frickin failure.

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More like Canadians are worried about the lies you make up COMMUNIST turd 💩 boy……FACT.

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Utter rubbish

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Right, all big talk, and no action.

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His government is the reason people are worried and up is not where we want him stepping

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Narcissistic delusional out of touch piece of shit.

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I watched as much as I could before that lying narcissist face and that pedo voice started making me gag 🤢🤮.

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I'm trying not to puke

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He really means stepping on...

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dear leader, the hypocrite and idiot of Ottawa and leader of the peoples republic of soviet canada.

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