
Liberal votes went to the Bloc. Not any better.

This riding shows by the three-way split that they don't really see much wrong with how things are going in Canada.

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Looking at the Elections Canada website, it's hardly a convincing statement about anything, other than the apathy of the voter. With less than 40% turn-out, the top 3 parties in this race finished as follows:

BQ 28.0% (8884 votes)

Lib 27.2% (8636 votes)

NDP 26.1% (8262 votes)

The Conservatives had only 11.6% of the vote, and the PPC barely registered with 0.5%.

Sadly, it seems that things will have to get a lot worse before people wake up.

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The best news I have heard all week. Cheerio Blackface, adios lieberals, everyone everywhere is kicking your ass to the curb. My only hope is that when this new Government takes over is that they hold some very serious OPEN public hearings into the wrongdoings of all these corrupt buggers and if evidence is proven put them where they all belong behind bars for Fraud, theft including traitors .

Lock em up

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Given that Trudeau has been trying to win favour with the Bloc since Jagmeet "ripped up the agreement" in order to secure his political survival, I'm not so sure that this by-election loss will do much to end the Liberal reign. In fact, this might be even more costly to the taxpayer than the NDP "costly coalition" as Canadians will be forced to further bankroll the province of Quebec.

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Good points and we will see, however I did watch the opening of the house sitting yesterday and the leader of the Bloc impressed me with what he had to say, not that I trust them any more than I did before but he did strike me as being honest.

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The Bloc only cares about Quebec and Quebecers only care about Quebec, screw the rest of Canada. The outcome of this by-election proves it, albeit the numbers are close. Tells me they were satisfied with the status-quo or The Bloc will form a coalition with the Libs, either way it's still a screw the West situation.

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