I personally think this is just a stall and that they’re going to ‘crash’ the Financial System globally and therefore people will have no choice BUT to go with the Universal CBDC Payment Subsidy System in the end…..All Banks have to obey the Central Banking System in the end and commit to their 2030 Global Reset Plan or they will not exist.

The Globalist’s were all just getting a feel of what people are going to agree to or not, just like the ‘C-19’ Plandemic they did to see who they can get to obey and who wouldn’t….After all they did do the Cyber Polygon simulation just like they did with the 2019 Pandemic Simulation….Don’t think this is over by any means..it is just the beginning of things to come….

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Very astute observations Gail. I am in total agreement with you.

I've been studying CBDCs for about a decade now and was even living in China when they launched theirs (having also educated a top banking executive at one of China's fifth largest banks on the subject). Plus, I developed and offered an online course on CBDCs before.

CBDCs are so unpopular around the world. Accordingly, the BIS - who runs the whole banking show around the world (with a few countries as exceptions) know it. So, they are certainly working on a sneakier alternative.

We are coming to and end of a global monetary system (the U.S. dollar) and they (esp. IMF) have already talked about a new Bretton Woods system in recent years. I've written about this topic in the following post from last year:

- Cyber Attack Crisis


You see, to transition to a new system, they need a huge event (like a world war or a 9/11 type event). While WWIII could be it, I've been predicting a major cyber attack crisis (hence the name of my article). Since writing the piece last year, I've been adding about 9-10 addenda to it to document their test runs/preparations. It's long, but I'd suggest you give it a read if you want.

I also do not trust the Bank of Canada. While they offer some level of transparency (even with my media requests as a journalist), they are still very deceptive. For instance, since 1974 the BoC Governor attends multiple BIS Basel Committee meetings every year. These are done in total secrecy (even our MPs and Senators are not allowed to know the contents of those meetings). Yet, after each of those meetings, the BoC Governor implements the Basel Committee's marching orders.

The Basel Committee (of the BIS) started in 1974 under papa Trudeau. And guess which year our National Debt started skyrocketing? Yep, you guessed it: 1974.

I wrote a big, HIGHLY-REVEALING article about this earlier this year:

- How the [Public] Bank of Canada was taken over by the [Private] Bank for International Settlements (BIS)


Please have a look. You'll be stunned.

So, in short I am in agreement with you. Something is coming. Not sure what, but our central bank, The Bank of Canada, will unlikely defend its sovereignty given how powerful the BIS is (note that the Fed is their biggest central bank which is backed by the entire U.S. Military).

I also need to study the recent BoC paper that the CBDC links to (https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/sdp2024-11.pdf) in order to scrutinise it carefully. I also need to brush up on the latest from the BIS.

On my Substack, I've written a lot about CBDC over the past 2 years, including two articles just on Canada's CBDC.

Additional thoughts and speculation on your part are most welcome, as we need to try to anticipate what they are up to and what/how our current corrupt gov't will acquiesce to the globalist banksters.

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I only have time at the moment for a quick comment. You have all the information that I have learned about over many years although I didn’t really realize what they were all up to until the last 4. I knew for about 40 years now that the Dollar would die and that cash would no longer be the means of payment but had no idea back then what they had planned even away back then.

As time went on the computer system came and sped things up and made everything that they ever dreamed of possible.

I know that there is an accounting system coming and it involve’s Blockchain. It will be used to authorize every single transaction that everyone on the planet makes at all times. It is, I believe part of the digital I.D. System that will be just like China’s or it will be in the beginning at least. I believe It will include everything about a person, all medical, bank account information and social credit scores and much more including your vax status which by the way I believe will play a huge roll in all of this and that is for another conversation. Anyway, it will all be attached to one Data System probably in Belgium which is part of the E.U. where they already of the B.E.A.S.T. System set up and have for years now.

They also have the I.D.2020 with Bill Gates etc etc. He is very much involved in all of this and I guess you could say has taken over for his Father who was a Eugenist..I am sure you have done research on them as well..I believe it is his job to push the Death Shots on everyone. That is for another conversation as well.

Anyway, yes, I am in total agreement with you on things here. Trust no one because they are all working together on one level or another and their end goal is all the same. Bring everything into a One World System, Religious, Economic and Political ready to hand everything over to a ONE WORLD LEADER who I believe is just waiting in the wings and it is possible that some of these other player’s that are involved in setting it all up have no idea who they are setting this Global One World System up for.

These people need a lot of Chaos in the world, either through the wars, bank failures, Global Warming Plandemic, Cyber Warfare, whatever they see fit to do to bring the world to it’s knees so they can take full control of absolutely everything. They will, according to a few I have listened to in the past, depopulate the world down to a more manageable number and for the useless eaters, as Yuval Noah Harari has called them, they will be given numbing drugs and video games to keep them happy…Remember the statement by Klaus Schwab..You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy. He actually said this in an interview.

I know that in Canada here, the Provinces have received money to start the Smart Cities, Smart Malls, Smart Apartments and the list goes on and on…getting ready to set up the 15 Minute Cities…I am watching it happen in my own city. I read their 2040 O.C.P. Most people have no idea what is going to happen here BUT it is going to happen and it is happening right now, right here, right today.

There are things going that people have no way of hearing about because the world’s Media puppets have all been taken over and only the Globalist Propaganda is allowed to get out on any news.

There are things like H.A.A.R.P that people have no idea are even out there and I know it sounds like conspiracy theory but it is real. And there is a Conspiracy going on but it isn’t with the regular people, it is the Globalist’s that want the Global Reset that are the Conspiracist’s. The meaning of Conspiracy is ‘A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful’, ‘the action of plotting or conspiring.’ Our Court System’s have all been taken over by people chosen and put in by the W.E.F. I mean I understand why most don’t believe me when I try and speak about all of this, but it IS happening.

Well, I should stop now, I think I have said enough, even though I have much more to say. Stay alert and continue to do what it is you are doing…..Things are going to get pretty rough soon so get ready. I don’t think they are going to do the ‘slow boiling frog’ way either. They are about to turn up the heat.

I am sorry, I could go on and on with what I have learned over the years especially these past 4 years with the Plandemic which seemed to be the one thing that opened Pandora’s Box and believe you me, it isn’t going to ever be closed again.

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True that!!!!! They will never give up!!!! They are so close. I agree. They will crash the system and be at the ready when they collapse the system.

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they did NOT say CBDCs they said digital dollar two totally different things, watch what they say specifically. Also note the WEF BIS have now sifted to a "retail / consumer based CBDC & a Trade" CBDC

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The Bank of Canada clearly mentions CBDC on the wesbite announcement.


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i missed that BUT if you read the opening paragraph again they are obfuscating by using them interchangeably. The entire rest of this page uses digital dollar AND they state for retail purposes, the current PM is so bought and paid for i cannot fathom a way he can't stay outside of their planned global CBDC program, which is being overseen and promoted by Guetteres and the BIS.. as i say watch what they say specifically, thinking they used it once as a throw away line because its digital dollar thereafter throughout - thnx for the link

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I've studied CBDCs for over a decade now (see my other comment for further details).

Have a look at these two articles which can give you some hints about what is coming.



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both good pieces ty

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Well theres a meeting right now in NY to get a global government passed, we better pray it doesn't pass.

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Maybe they’re going straight to a global one, why waste your time with every country issuing their own when they state we are at the end of the national state era.

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" broader payments system research and policy development "

( Beware ! )

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I certainly hope this sticks, I hope many other people did what I did with my bank and told them exactly what I thought.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

It is talking cryptically... thinking they can fool us. This issue has been in the Senate for HOW long? Those there will pass what HE wants eventually. Whatever they want to call "the digitized version of the dollar" it will still be trackable by them, run through their system, attached to our personal info, medical info, attached to a Digital ID, passport, social credit score, etc. (like China) They may even start it like they did with Debit cards... you can have debit cards, credit cards, cheques, etransfers etc, UNTIL the Govt controlled Bank says ok, the following are going to be OUTDATED, AND NO LONGER USED. Look how they treated the Seniors with Pensions...You have to send in this paper with your Bank Account and we will put it RIGHT into your account... WE no longer want to issue cheques, we are saving the trees. But we will send paper letters with that Paper for the bank to you every 3 months to remind you to Get a bank account and Fill it in. Snail mail it back and have it entered within maybe 90 days. THEN... we will go all electric even though our Electric Grid cannot at this time power everything, but we will manage or NOT, Nothing online is really secure or even guaranteed to stay on 24/7. It is still good to pay cash for a cup of coffee and have that feeling of money in the pocket, even if Internet goes down. oh my I ranted. I want Common Sense back in Canada!

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The digital currency will be more fiat garbage backed on thin air, like their "Swift" system that dangles your rightful birth inheritance in front of your face, then swiftly steals it away!

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Use cash whenever you can. Idea: if you want to avoid small change, pay a round number by cash and the balance by card. For example, for a $73.28 bill, you can pay $70 cash and put $3.28 on your credit card.

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Remember in Sri Lanka, They were only left with using coin, when their paper money was declared worthless.

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Great news! Thanks. I filled out their survey. I let them know that I was not interested in a digital dollar.

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insert celebratory meme here

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The Great Taking seems more relevant and less controversy as we approach 'the passage of time'.

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Perhaps the banks won’t implement CBDCs but the government of Canada will. The wording is like alphabet soup….cautious discernment is needed.

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Let’s hope they aren’t coming at this from a different angle!!

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Axe the tax, defund the CBC

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