Pfizer is likely like moderna to be worse but that shiite is still being pushed on the people by most governments!FUATH!

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You see, if all clinical studies had been completed before the vax rollout IT NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT TO MARKET, NEVER! So under the guise of "Emergency Aurhorization" and flawed /fraudulent safety reports from the manufacturer's (and don't be fooled, these shots were already to go before Covid was a thing) they were released on the public for huge sums of money to change hands!! Very ingenious plan, all of it, but hey they pretty much told us what was going to happen - too bad more weren't listening 😒

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Now Pfizer Moderna need to do same!!!

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They are repositioning for the fake bird flu.

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Is that Disease X? How about “Catastrophic Contagion 2025-2028” that Bill Gates and cronies are currently discussing like Event 201. Bourla called Covid “a rehearsal”…of course it was.

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Disease X will be anything that makes the public afraid and expands government powers.

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They knew this BEFORE they put it out…all part of the plan to downsize the world population….off to GITMO they should go.

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I want all PHARMA execs swinging from a tree

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With Novovax you get army worm DNA injected into you. They pulled J&J. They pulled AZ. The mRNA jabs have the worst safety record in history. As Dr. Chris Shoemaker said, "You can't make something this damaging to humanity without doing it on purpose."

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Withdrawn now that it’s done it’s damage!

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