About The Canadian Independent

Established in May 2021, The Canadian Independent originated from a recognition of the inherent bias prevalent in mainstream media reporting. Since its inception, the publication has been unwavering in its commitment to uncovering the truth, a dedication that has resulted in exponential growth.

At the core of its mission lies a commitment to investigate, report, and expose matters of public interest, particularly those that often escape the scrutiny of mainstream media. The firm commitment is to deliver readers unbiased and in-depth information that holds genuine significance.

In a world saturated with information where impartiality is a precious rarity, The Canadian Independent proudly stands as a beacon of independent journalism. The focus extends beyond borders, delving into news stories in Canada and around the globe, all driven by a dedication to presenting facts, devoid of biases. The resolute belief is that, collectively, a transformative impact can be achieved, forging a more informed world.

Heartfelt gratitude is extended to the readers for their invaluable role in this ongoing journey. The continuous support and engagement from the audience empower the publication to persist in its endeavors. A profound thank you is offered to those who have consistently championed these efforts, as trust and encouragement serve as the driving force behind the pursuit of excellence in independent journalism.

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The Canadian Independent is an independent media publication with a strong focus on exposing matters of public interest on a wide range of topics in Canada and around the world.


The Canadian Independent is an independent media publication with a strong focus on exposing matters of public interest on a wide range of topics in Canada and around the world.