way to go you two , please no more money to that corrupt Zelensky and there country, what they are doing is money laundering -just like Justin Trudeau doing again giving them 5-6 billion dollars to the one of the most corrupt country and Zelensky -oh wait we have one just like that here just as corrupt as him - oh did I just say that out loud - two peas in pot -enough is enough we want peace and it is not Putin fault get the right news and not the fake news that being pay off from our government telling them what to write down - just saying

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What an unthankful little man

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That is absolutely the most disrespectful behaviour I have ever witnessed by the leader of a country!! The Green Goblin has lost any respect, if he had any left. Can you imagine showing up to the Whitehouse in his phoney green fatigues to negotiate with the POTUS? No respect!!

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Fuck Trudeau

Fuck Freeland

Fuck Carney

We can add: Fuck Zelensky

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Saw that on IG. Love it. Go JD!

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Stop sending them money , this useless actor is uncouth and thinks he's a big shot , no class at all. Our weak and pathetic , virtue signaling Canadian government has to have a referendum to the Canadian people on the same issue. We (Canadians) are throwing good money over bad money , where is this next 5 Billion dollars going to ? Is there accountability (record) for this money and where it will go ? I don't think so based on our corrupt Liberal/ndp government . I don't trust this little Ukrainian turd . Our loser (not leader) JT needs to crawl back in the hole he came from.

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why do you....good people....allow a... corrupt/murderer....to come to your country?????...this idiot makes....hitler...look like a...SAINT!!!!!!!

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A haven't seen Putin there...

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Two tyrants ranting at each other, while ranting about a third tyrant.

Time for the Canadian Slime Sinister despot to mandate a grope hug.

And that Vance! This thing absolutely proved that even a two year old can be a politician.

Politics has become a circus.

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They NEED TO STOP 🛑 WITH THE HANDING OUT OF MONEY ( people’s tax payer’s dollars ) TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD….figure out EXACTLY WHAT IS BEING DONE WITH IT ……. AND then have the TAX PAYERS DECIDE what is to be done with the tax monies……otherwise put a stop 🛑 on stealing our tax dollars all together.

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it was unbelievable!


I hope Americans have woken up & will stop the flow of endless cash & weapons for the MOST corrupt country in Europe!

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Wow... love Trump and JV... you're awesome... arrest him right away

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Body language talks a lot.

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Wow that went well.😮

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Next time, they should send 5 year olds!

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Trump in warrior position...love it

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This is what you call rape. They took Ukrainians, hyped them up, told them how pretty and strong and smart they were, pit them against the Russian bear, helped 1,000,000+ on the Ukrainian side to be killed, 100,000+ from the Russian side, plus countless others from NATO nations, and now that the Bear is taking what they want, the new administration comes and and will be feeding on the carcass that was once known as Ukraine. This is gang rape, western style.

By the way, this is exactly what will be happening to the EU, and this is exactly how Russia will be treating the USA in the "peace" talks if the Trump Admin even thinks about playing the "we have an agreement with Ukraine for all the resources and to control the ports in Odessa".

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Make that little gremlin wear a tie or gtfo.

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