Aug 30·edited Aug 30

Denigrating and dividing Canadians who stood up for medical autonomy. And our taxes pay for this sh1t. Disgusting. Can't wait for CBC to be defunded.

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WOW! Making a mockery of what 22 Minutes use to be, attacking working Canadians instead of Capital as Power. Wonder if it has anything to do with government giving them hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money - money from the same people that they are mocking. Vile.

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Can't wait to see the Trudeau take - surf's up!

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Of course!

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Wow that is the sickest thing I have seen for a while. The ignorance and the stupidity.... I stand with the truckers and I stand for freedom!

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Peoplel lost their jobs. Some werei jured and even lost their lives because of the mandates.. Truckers gave hope to many. How disrespectful of the CBC to turn their efforts into a joke.

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Wait until 2030… they won’t be mocking then.

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In 2020, CBC radio never had a discussion on the difference between a traditional vaccine and a mRNA gene-therapy as a vaccine for Covid-19. The WHO (World Health Organization) changed the definition of vaccine to include mRNA gene-therapy. CBC is Canada Government 's ... :(.... So, I was happy to see The Truckers Freedom Protest across the country. But was really shocked how other Canadians supported the government in ignorance. CBC is not an objective media.

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People are in an Age of Enlightenment about all vaccines. The vaccine skeptics going into COVID called it perfectly how the vaccine roll out would go, because all they had to do was look to the existing vaccines to know. Anyway, the COVID shots were so obviously a fraud, it caused people to get curious about the rest of the program, and to their surprise it’s the same thing: Overstate the risk of a disease, overstate the effectiveness of the vaccine, and attack any queries about safety risks, stigmatize anyone asking questions.

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Just reinforces why I never watch CBC.

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Wow. Two years later with all the facts out?

How spectacularly idiotic.

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Yup they **drank the kool-Aid **

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That's what I was going to say. How fitting at the end.

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This is expected from the propaganda arm of the federal death cult government. Par for the course.

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Oink. oink. That's the sound of execs on expenses chewing through citizens tax cash.

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Please don't insult pigs.

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I miss the old 22 minutes .... they would never have treated Canadians who were standing up for the rights of Canadians like this. To bad you have not bothered to read peer reviewed science articles, or inform yourselves about this impportant historical event .... a massive peaceful protest whose only demand was that our government officials sit down and talk wit them. You should be ashamed of the lies in your skech, I am ashamed of you.

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I miss Pierre Berton, Allan Fotheringham, Betty Kennedy, Gordon Sinclair and Jack Webster. Heroes dead and gone.


Hard to believe they actually made a program like Front Page Challenge that entertained and educated at the same time. Pure genius. I know it's hard to believe, but once upon a time the CBC was first rate broadcasting and journalism.

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What an embarrassment....and with my money

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CBC spends taxpayer’s money like candy on nothing but liberal/ndp control propaganda. save freedom of speech. DefundCBC

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I share the outrage, but let's also acknowledge how dull and unfunny this sketch is.

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Toral government propaganda 🙄

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