House of cards starting to tumble... good to see.

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Thanks for doing the work that you do. We need more people like you!

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Great to see this lawsuit proceed!!! Wishing this group punishes the government, banks and the corrupt RCMP.

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Can you believe that the Canadian government is using our monies to appeal this? Their arrogance is breathtaking. What happened to SERVING Canadians?


Life under a good government is rarely dramatic; life under a bad government is always so."

—Oscar Wilde

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The West are corporate governments DeFacto (Matter of Fact) and not DeJure(According to law) constitutional governments by and for the people. This change happened when we changed our national holiday from "Dominion Day" (Dominion of Canada - DeJure constitutional government) to "Canada Day" (DeFacto - Usurped by corporate interests). Canada Inc. You are voting for the CEO and Board of Directors of Canada Inc. Not leaders of a Sovereign Free Nation. Section 15 of the Canada Criminal Code protects us from these criminals.

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I want to see Trudy, Freeloader, Henry, Tam, Ford, Ebi and the Liberal Puppets Pay

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Do we still hang traitors and those guilty of crimes against humanity?

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Great interview ! Some of these cartoons go well with this story. Good Luck men !!


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Malone is one of the causes. Travesty that DARPA boy Substack is posted here. Malone created the BIOWEAPON!! Sheesh 🙄🤡

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Dr. Malone has addressed this issue many times via Epoch and other sites.

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Absolutely not. You will never see Malone attend a Senate hearing or a Congressional hearing where you are sworn in under oath. Where there is threat of arrest. Epoch Times Jan is great buddies with Malone. He is cleaning the Maloney image. He is the one that created the very bioweapon that was given to people. I guess ignorance is bliss.

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Seriously??? I think you better don't a little research

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Cathy, just ignore that bastard.

That is the best we can do for now; shut evil out of your life.

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Do you know how to spell?

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I have done a ton of research. Did you know Malone began in the 80’s?? Anthrax?

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... I can't make up my mind; you are either a deep state tool or a misguided, miserable soul.

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You are doing a favor for your deep state handlers. Everything you insinuate is false, but let's say were true, and let's suppose Dr. Melone changed his mind and decided to be on the right side of history.

Millions of people can thank Dr. Malone for informing us. I did not get the shot, because the information provided by Dr. Malone.

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I find it funny that the inventor/creator of mRNA technology (Malone) who spoke up against using it. (He was working on a natural process whereas the current offerings are synthetic which he opposes. None the less two other globalist doctors got the Nobel Prize bumping Malone off the list even though he invented it but opposed the narrative.

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Don’t forget he took the shots and only months after did he say a word. A mother of three shouldn’t be lying!! You should retract your LIE!!

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He took the shot, because he was told it was safe as everyone else was told. He trusted the system as everyone else did. Katalin Kariko was the one who "made the fixing" to make the shot effective and Dr. Malone believed that it was the right way vs. what he refused to do 10 or so year ago. Why would anyone take a jab thinking it's a poison.

As a childhood abuse victim, I rely on my gut feelings and it takes a lot of time to trust anyone. Dr. Malone saved me and my family and many more in my circles. It's a fact. And I don't care what evil shit you're spewing or someone like you accusing me to be a liar. It does not matter to me, because your opinion does not matter to me either. It's my instincts telling me so.

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Bullshit. The rollout happened before he said a word. You are a bald faced liar. He wrote a book before the rollout. Get your facts straight.

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the gov. is appealing the ruling because they are Fascist agents and their goal is to bankrupt Canada and the continuation of the case is tax payers money so they are doing what their goal is ... destroy Canada from within. I'm 71 and worked at C.A.E. Inc for over 40 yrs. and retired in 2018 to this insanity and the harassment from the medical health establishment was through the roof. I lost my 35 yr. specialist and family doctor and my phone and door had 2 to 3 people trying to get me jabbed. Still today they phone once in awhile. I firmly believe they are not done with us yet. Just saying. Be Blessed.

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It's my belief that Canada has had a COUP. Belligerent bad actors in Ottawa.

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