Yes! Carney looks tanned as he still has head up the WEF’s butt! He’s the consummate WEF stooge! Smooth, as he lies straight to your face knowing that he is so superior to you useless eaters! He and his kind will look out for each other as they fold the country up into the New World Order that they confidently believe they will control and impose their fantastical vision upon the plebes, for their own good, of course!!! Lucky us - NOT!!!!

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Right on , Mark Carney is WEF, pushing the climate change agenda and of course wants to increase the carbon tax.

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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This link has nothing to do with Pierre Poilievere as far as I can tell

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Can you read? Try and keep up.

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Will Trudo ever make a correct decision? Don’t Hold Your Breath!!

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The next CCP owned puppet to be installed to the LPC

Mark Carney


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We're still repairing the damage done while he was at the Bank of England. Seriously useless.

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts.. https://substack.com/profile/221444694-gibson-gentry

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Mark Carney. Oh my word. Avoid. Useless at everything. Then again, Canada knows this already. One expensive Libtard not required by Canada or anywhere else.

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Conservatives are not your friends. Equitas Society was formed in 2011 to support a class-action lawsuit against the Government of Canada for the reinstatement of the Pension Act Pension for injured soldiers. Equitas Society fought its way through the courts of BC, initially winning the case with the Supreme Court of British Columbia, where it was stated that the Government of Canada had a special duty to injured soldiers. The Government of Canada appealed this decision in October of 2013 to the Appellant Court of British Columbia. The Government of Canada under then Minister of Veterans Affairs Erin O’Toole attempted to have the appeal removed and the lower courts’ decision respected. This was denied by the court and as it wished to render a judgment in such an important case. Then in May of 2015, an abeyance agreement was signed between the Government of Canada and Equitas Society to temporarily stop the court case while the parties attempted to come to a resolution outside of court. The abeyance agreement was in place throughout the 2015 Federal Election, where Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Justin Trudeau promised to reinstate the lifelong pensions for injured soldiers. After the 2015 election and the election of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada to power, Equitas Society was told that the court case would resume. Court filing to resume the court case were made in June of 2016, and on the 4th of December 2017, the Appellant Court of British Columbia decided in favour of the Government of Canada that no special duty of care was due to those injured while in the Canadian Armed Forces. This decision was appealed by Equitas Society to the Supreme Court of Canada on 31 January 2018. Then on August 30th, 2018 the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear the case ending the court battle. Though the court case was ultimately loss Equitas Society has not wavered in its resolve to achieve the restoration of veterans’ benefits. Since August 2018 when the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear our case we have been tirelessly advocating for veterans’ rights and will continue to do so.


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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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For those who are unaware of the history or who is Mark Carney: Read Matt Ehret's article:


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I remember when the Conservatives under Harper robbed wounded Veterans and their families of the Pension Act in 2006 qnd gave the legislation to the RCMP. Poilivere is a fraud. Equitas Society was formed in 2011 to support a class-action lawsuit against the Government of Canada for the reinstatement of the Pension Act Pension for injured soldiers. Equitas Society fought its way through the courts of BC, initially winning the case with the Supreme Court of British Columbia, where it was stated that the Government of Canada had a special duty to injured soldiers. The Government of Canada appealed this decision in October of 2013 to the Appellant Court of British Columbia. The Government of Canada under then Minister of Veterans Affairs Erin O’Toole attempted to have the appeal removed and the lower courts’ decision respected. This was denied by the court and as it wished to render a judgment in such an important case. https://www.equitassociety.ca/?page_id=3294

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You seem to have a very selective and mailable memory.

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Expose the Conservatives for who they are, Traitors. Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein are all former members of the Trilateral Commision. Epstein and upstanding guy I hear.

Kusie is a current member. The role of the Commiasion. One World Governent. They don't even hide their contempt for Canadians and the Country. The Cons brought us FIPA hence the Chinese police stations. Receipts..https://substack.com/profile/221444694-gibson-gentry

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government.  He Lied.  Right from the horse's mouth.


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What are you talking about? Mailable.

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Another delusional Liberal.

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