He appears to have selective amnesia......He might not like to remember what he did, but we will never forget.

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Actually, in retrospect, doing nothing would have been better...

Sorry Doug, you are lying

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Is he fucking kidding, all of Canada decimated us with the fake pandemic and the slow kill bioweapons, not to mention lockdowns and face diapers.

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"It's really incredible!" because they pulled it off!! The biggest transfer of wealth in history for a fake pandemic - all according to plan!

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Sadly he may as well be part of the liberal party as he acts like one. Certainly not anything like a conservative politician really is. What does Trudeau have on him? Or what’s Trudeau paying him to be a ‘liberal’?

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'gold bars do for true' is one anagram of Douglas Robert Ford . I gather from Wikipedia that Ford used to be against Trudeau until 2020. Money is a good way to change some people's minds.

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From his perspective it was a raging fuckin’ success folks!!! Why would he think different! You all assume he gives a shit about any of you, what you think or how it affected you!!! It says his label company made bank off of it and he still has his cushy 6 figure government job and power!!! Wake up and next time, don’t comply at all!!!

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100% This lying parastical piece of shit gets away with murder because of the sheeple. Let's pray that enough have woken up so we can finally rid the planet of these sick fucks.

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Exactly 💯...I've investigated myself and found that not only am I awesome, everyone who agrees with me is as well! What a team!!! ...now, where's my brother's pipe

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A lying fat sack of shit. His networth upon entering the premier's office: $4 million. Now: $50 million. He made alot of dough selling signs for the plandemic, plus, plus. He is just another parasite. They acheived their goal of poisoning, murdering and traumitizing millions of people; destroying small businesses, pushing people into poverty, dividing families and communities against each other. This guy is a piece of garbage.

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If seizing power like a dictator, dividing the nation and crippling the economy was the job you set out to do, then your answer makes sense

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Doug “I will not create a split society” the-liar Ford. The response to COVID-19 has created so much hate. Doug Ford still hasn't repealed the vaxx requirements in healthcare and never stepped into private employers dictating the same requirements against their employees' personal security, too. …and everyone (> 95%) voted for it in 2022; Onterrible deserves its name.

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This POS is a Fu..cking joke. Have people forgotten that the Conservatives are the ones that signed us on to the Agenda BS in the first place. His comment about the corrupt government pushing things through in the shortest amount of time is correct because they are pushing bills through that we have no idea about until after the fact. He pushed the vaccines and masks all the while making millions from decals his company was producing for floors ,walls , sidewalks etc. Another fixed position in government. He needs to go asap as well. Another traitor to this country.

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I really would like to hear from Stephen Harper on that... And where is the chance for those whom it affects/effects to review to such an idiotic decision???? 🤔

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I totally agree, and believe that we would all like to hear why Harper signed us us to this BS.

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What a star. A true politician, unable to see beyond the end of his nose apart from the feeding trough.

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By admitting other wise, he may open himself to law suits..

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WE DID EXTREMELY WELL??? 😡😡😡😡😡😡🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😡😡😡😡😡 NOT NOT NOT



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Empty words and a liar at best. We the people of Canada and the world will get our justice. It's coming. Abolition of all Political Parties under trusteeship by we the people of Canada in conjunction with a world investigation by a chosen group of professionals in the field of medical/technological sciences set up for major exposure of fact findings for world deaths and health damages by bioweapon jabs used against humanity. Just saying.

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You are wrong...so wrong!

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I hope the people of Ontario never forget what Ford did to them during the fake pandemic. Seniors dying alone, businesses closing etc., the list goes on.

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