It was only a matter of time until what's unfolding in Europe with their farms and agriculture arrived on our shores.

This is agenda 2030 and the next phase of their plans.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Ford may be the leader of the provincial Conservative Party but he is no conservative. He is far too much like Trudeau.

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Question who is behind this? The farmers need to resist and get some answers. People need a secure, reliable food supply in Canada.

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This is very disheartening! Don't know alot about land expropriation but a quick search shows some disturbing facts. I always assumed as a private land owner you had some security - WRONG, if the government wants your land, they'll get it, don't even have to tell you why or what for!! Sure, you'll be compensated but what if you've built a life, a business like this family has, that you might pass on to the next generation - well guess what folks, you're SOL, that's what the government can do! This is so wrong.

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Dough boy is another temple errand boy. He follows orders just like all other temple/government errand boys and girls. Political left and political right is for your bemusement. We are dealing with totalitarian slavists.

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No Farmers, No Food!

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People need to take their powers back…..our governments are killing us…..on purpose…..check everyone’s offshore accounts……the truth will set us free.

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The theft of land from farmers is part of The Great Reset to move people into controlled cities. The people in positions like Premier Doug Ford and Barry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener, are all in on this deceit. Don't believe a word they say. Their focus is on the UN Agenda 21 and 30, and the 17 developmental goals. Link, if you're interested: https://sdgs.un.org/goals Here's another take on what's going on.

https://rumble.com/vy2a1v-agenda-21-and-2030-exposed-by-insider-un-global-goals-build-back-better-age.html The fight is on.

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Not only is it the 2030 agenda land grabs but also the planned total decimation of our food supplies. The farmers must be supported, backed 100% from the people and ALL must say NO to the evil that is insidiously destroying everything.

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Very disturbing. The government is shrouded in secrecy. This stinks alot. We need a revolution. This government is so fn rogue and just does what it wants so maybe we should do the same. Fk this corruption.

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This is another step to take away what is ours and make us totally dependant on China for everything. Where does the Government think we are going to grow our food, on the moon? This is all part of the world dominance plan to take over everything. Totally illegal like everything else they do.

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The Region of Waterloo, so "environmental", won't give any answers, but says its Official Plan "includes a provision to plan for suitable “mega-sites” to support new, large-scale employment opportunities that typically range between 200 and 400 hectares in size and support large-scale manufacturing operations".

This is how corrupt politicians sell out the people, with zero consultation process or environmental assessments- If they can do this to Wilmot Township, they can do it to YOU..

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Sounds to my like Dougie wants to have fertiliser sprayed all over queen's park.

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Ford has no principles. He is easily bought. In Doug Ford, Trudeau has a premier he can rely on.

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Factories for fake meat/Soylent Green, body bags, and munitions?

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Sign petition at Fightforfarmland, and email MPP and all Region of Waterloo mayors & councilors, and the mayor & each Councilor of Wilmot Township:


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