Why not just tell the morons running this country into the ground I might add, to close the phuking border and stop the flow of drugs.

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Exactly this is going a little too far!! NO TARRIFFS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED!!!

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They'd have to be off the drug of power and bloodlust to listen.

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Secure the border and stop sending poison to their country and the tariffs will STOP.

Plus we tariff them a whole lot more than they have ever tariffed us.

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Was Dougie born fat and stupid, or did he have to work to get that way?

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He got that way because he did not work.

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he should have stuck to auto parts

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I think Canada is shooting itself in the foot!! American alcohol gone from LCBO. WELL GUESS WHAT Americans might to do exactly same thing. so what is this benefitting. Grow up Canadians!!!!

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is a bronfman involved ?....after selling seagrams to the yanks maybe they have a new start up

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na fatso has a big ego

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What an idiot.

No negotiating talent whatsoever.

Again I say. You do not fight with your largest trading partner. All President Trum asked for was, border control and stop drug flow. Seriously, how hard is that? Ford is acting like a child in a sandbox....mine mine....Well Mr. Ford, it is NOT yours, and the only reason you won the electon is because too many were afraid to go against mainstream and vote for The Ontario Party. They will find out all too soon, that Ford is a Liberal in sheep's clothing.

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Canadian Tariffs on US Goods pre Trump

Just to be clear, these are the tariffs Canada imposed on the USA for years, even before Trump ran his first mandate :

Dairy Products:

Milk: 270%

Cheese: 245%

Butter: 298%

Other Agricultural Products:

Chicken: 238%

Sausages: 69.9%

Barley seed: 57-57.8%

Industrial Goods:

Copper: 48%

Aluminum: 45%

Steel: 25%

Consumer Goods:

Cars: 45%

TVs: 45%

Eggs: 163%

Wheat: 94%

Bovine/Meat: 26.5%

Source : Global Affairs Canada

They make TV commercials telling us there are our friends.

Ask a Wisconsin dairy farmer.

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He is pretending to be a PC but he’s a Liberal through and through!

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close to a full declaration of war... as electricity is essential for hospitals; operations, etc... I can't understand how these completely irrelevant political figures stay in power...

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did all the canadian soldiers suffer adverse injection trauma...or are they still recovering from transgender surgeries...or...is there a little drug dealing going on from the king of ontario and canada...bank accounts matter

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Doug Ford is a menace and a moron

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Him and his brother were the biggest drug dealers in high school. They didn't call it "high" school for nothin! Now he's in the big leagues supporting the terrorists and the drug dealers.

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What? Brilliant Kanadahar used to PAY US to TAKE our SURPLUS POWER! MILLIONS PER MONTH! What do you expect from a country, which isn't even a country, never ratified, praises terrorists and throws Christian Priests in jail?

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Big Baby Dougie is seeking to find relevance in this political hell hole. He needs to put on his big boy pants, if he can find any to fit him.

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Hey mr team Canada shut pipeline #5 (US gas) and buy western Canadian gas.

Bet you will not,

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Finally, a Canadian politician who understands the ONLY thing a bully respects is the strength to stand up to him. Trump thrives on the weakness of his victims. This may be the one thing Ford has gotten right in his entire dismal political career.

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What a twat!🤦‍♀️

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