Bill C-293 is in my humble opinion created straight out of the CHINA CCP marxist commie

book! And anybody who supports GLOBALISM IS A TRAITOR TO HIS/HER COUNTRY!

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If this had been a role reversal, Nathaniel would have demanded the other be removed, such is what should have happened to Nathaniel. GONE.....

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All of this indicates is how dysfunctional the government has become. We need an election now!

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Well in all fairness to the Lieberals we have all been telling them for a few years now to "Fuck right off" but they just wont listen. I did however get a jolly good laugh when he used the word "Integrity" they are clueless when it comes to that.

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Liberals and the NDP have integrity? ... lol... that's like saying Madonna is a virgin.

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20 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

Typical libtard cry baby, the truth always gets them. I see he's not in the room, that would be the reason for the big mouth...wouldn't happen in person.

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I’m surprised he wasn’t wearing a face diaper.

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Remind me again how much these asshats get paid, of our hard earned cash I might add.

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A few years late but good to see LPoC getting pissed off.

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Holy Molly,


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This person should be removed from the table of free speech, is this how we govern?

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Canadians should not be sitting back quietly while the country is being run into a hole. Many supposed civil servants are more interested in their bank accounts and adhering their to promises to big business and ngos. Many Canadians are tired of their bullying attitudes. I suspect the course language is coming from a politician who wants to sell Canadians to ngos.

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Sunny ways......

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